The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Exploding Bacon v1.5

Exploding Bacon v1.5
Author: Tigerworks Submitted: 16th February, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 406
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 24/01/2025

Edited By [|--CIRCY--|] on 2/19/2004

April 17th, 2045. Civilisation is destroyed by mad pigs. The counter attack begins, led by a renegade team of humans srapping bombs to pigs.

3 powerups, 3 levels, and up to 4 player online bombing mayhem! Includes Current Games listing to easily join a game - no need to sort out the game name beforehand.

Version 1.5 has revamped graphics and parts of engine redone, you can now detonate whole rows of bombs without slowdown!

Explode someone's bacon today!

New version! Download it again (same URL) for v1.52m, which features:
- 2 new levels, Kitchen Floor and Ice Desolation
- Lobby chat to make organising games easier
- New Crazy Mode - start on 10 bombs, 20 power!
- Start Now button to start a game even if you don't have enough players yet
- Numerous bug fixes such as improved collisions with explosions (the remenants of an explosion won't kill you)

Review This Download (791kb )

Posted by ChrisB 17th February, 2004

Yay, it doesn't crash anymore :D Much much better, although I miss the runaway tractor :P
Posted by The Chris Street 17th February, 2004

I think so, I can't move either. Im online now though, so if anyone wants a game then DEL, LETS GO!
Posted by ChrisB 17th February, 2004

I wish that you could set a maximum number of players, not a minimum.
Posted by The Chris Street 17th February, 2004

I found a flaw. When you talk to someone, you cannot include any word with the letter M, otherwise the music disables...
Posted by ChrisB 17th February, 2004

Solution: move it to a function key. Also, you should be able to re-enable it.
Posted by Tigerworks 17th February, 2004

The game only begins when everyone is ready. I think I can add a Start Now button for the game creator to begin the game immediately with 2 or 3 players even if they set a 4 limit etc. And if it looks like someone went through an explosion or bomb, its called lag :) MOO servers aren't particularly fast for some reason. It'd work faster over a network (enter network IP address as server)
Posted by ChrisB 17th February, 2004

I blame all the copper wires and fibreoptics that get in the way of the server. Who needs those silly things ;P
Posted by The Chris Street 17th February, 2004

Hey, that music in the yellowish temple really sucks, it ruins an otherwise musical masterpiece XD
Posted by 17th February, 2004

Lol, that one is funny. Looks better than previous version.
Posted by Cazra 17th February, 2004

nobody seems to be on.
Posted by Shadow99 17th February, 2004

ug, not more of this crap
Posted by Cazra 17th February, 2004

the colors of the blocks blend in a little too much.
Posted by Muggus 17th February, 2004

This game is great fun with 4 players! :D Although I always end up blowing myself up :(
Posted by Batchman 18th February, 2004

i've played this game with a friend's server , i can say this is great game with great fun but 4 player is a bit limited , we were 6 who wanted to play on a party there is always the ones who die with their bomb and it is finaly a dual between the best player but this is great :)
Posted by Tigerworks 19th February, 2004

New version! Download it again (same URL) for v1.52m, which features: - 2 new levels, Kitchen Floor and Ice Desolation - Lobby chat to make organising games easier - New Crazy Mode - start on 10 bombs, 20 power! - Start Now button to start a game even if you don't have enough players yet - Numerous bug fixes such as improved collisions with explosions (the remenants of an explosion won't kill you)
Posted by ChrisB 19th February, 2004

Just edit the download and put that in, not everybody will read the comment the bottom.
Posted by istvan 20th February, 2004

I wish I could play this, but no one seems to be online at the same time.
Posted by Tigerworks 20th February, 2004

Just go on MSN Messenger or something and arrange to meet some people in it.
Posted by istvan 20th February, 2004

yeah, I tried doing that with Fenner, but for some reason it didnt work, we tried many times, but to no avail
Posted by Penguin Seph 22nd February, 2004

This game kicks ass!
Posted by Shadow99 23rd February, 2004

This will win GOTW by default. It sucks, but the other games suck worse.
Posted by The Chris Street 24th February, 2004

Instead of being a dumbass, why don't you say why you think it sucks. Its an online game. Its Bomberman. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with it. What did you expect? To find a huge online RPG life simulator? Its Bomberman! You get what you download.
Posted by Mr Coffee 24th February, 2004

Some more features which you might want to implement in future versions are teams and computer controlled players.
Posted by Evil Monkey 1st March, 2004

You know, the thing I dislike about click multiplayer games is that nobody is EVER on them. V-Chat is completely deserted, Nobody ever plays Super Ken Senshi, and right now, the games list for Exploding Bacon is completely empty. I want to play this game, but at this rate, I never will have any fun with it. Face it, if you want to play with someone and you see nobody else in the list, don't just log off. Stay on so you might actually be able to play with someone, and someone might actually be able to play with you.
Posted by Tigerworks 22nd March, 2004

OR go on msn messenger or something and actually ORGANISE a game...
Posted by Echisketch(PS) 2nd April, 2004

funny, after meeting tigerworks off DC chat me him snerlin and sum other dude had a bunch of games b4 this game was released, I like it, Great job tigerworks, completely worthy of GOTW.





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