The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Air Pop! Neo

Air Pop! Neo
Author: ChrisOch Submitted: 27th May, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 584
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 17/04/2024

Edited By Joshtek on 17/04/2024

Do you have a balloon fetish? C' know you do!! Well, join Cirrus in his futuristic quest to rid the polluted earth of zany aliens and mutant dogs!! You know you want some...
--Includes bonus game Balloon Burst
---type "AIR" during title screen with the menu showing, and you will access the retro game "Egg Bomb"

Review This Download (11.5mb )

Posted by Rikus 27th May, 2002

Posted by Jason Orme 27th May, 2002

where do i download?
Posted by QuADiE 27th May, 2002

Yeah, looks nice ;) there you can D/L it...
Posted by Rikus 27th May, 2002

thank for da tip quadie:)
Posted by The Chris Street 27th May, 2002

*sigh* if only that gameboy advance screenshot was real..
Posted by pixelscope 27th May, 2002

There's no fatal bug! You're a fatal bug! XD
Posted by Bart 27th May, 2002

I agree with pretty much everything Circy said in his review. It was good but it just missed a few spots :)
Posted by Rikus 27th May, 2002

i think circy was a bit harsh with his review giving a game like this a 4?
Posted by The Chris Street 27th May, 2002

Nah, it wasnt was my honest opinion :) But Chris Och, if you are reading, please dont hate me XD
Posted by jast 27th May, 2002

I downloaded this when it was released, and although there might be better engines, this game clearly deserves more than 4 stars. Geez, 5 stars mean it's an average game, but don't you think this game is at least a bit above average? It's late now and I'll have to write an exam tomorrow, so it'll take some time until I wrote my own review, but if I ever get the time to write one, APN will probably get 6 or more. This game isn't the best platformer out there, but what the hell, it's better than just average!! And not worse! Circy, if you are reading, please dont hate me ;)
Posted by The Chris Street 27th May, 2002

/me IS reading...and I HATE YOU! AGH! not really :)
Posted by DBack 27th May, 2002

I agree with Circy mainly because the game really isn't that fun.
Posted by Jannuli 27th May, 2002

What Lightbringer said was very true. if you look AN AVERAGE click game, (and im very sad to say this) you can see that it has probaply been made in one or two hours...(and im very glad to say, im not talking about the games here ;) ) But in here you can definetly see that lots of time has been wasted to this. and I think that these days, alone that should make it more than an average game... but, that's just me... :P
Posted by Kristofor Durrschmidt 27th May, 2002

I think people need to spend less time writing crappy reviews and finishing their own vaporware projects. That game definately deserved more than 4 stars. The only thing that detracted from it was the character movement. Which he can fix in a couple hours I'm sure. Good job, Chris! *claps* a COMPLETED click game.
Posted by ChrisOch 27th May, 2002

Well, I would like to thank everyone for their honesty about my game. Yes, this thing drained about 2 years out of me. I have to say that making a decent platform game isn't the easiest, especially those of you weened on Mario and other great games. I don't hate you Circy for your review, but I think it may have been a little harsh ;)!!! I mean even with the two mini games, the many varied characters and sweat and tears I put into the graphics?? Is the gameplay really that bad, and with all of the non-finished games that litter the net? Oh well...and as for you Podunkian, I have alot of respect for you too, and I would love to see a completed game from you before I say anything about your skills (because I haven't seen anything outside of Operation Sitting Duck betas). Oh well, I'm glad that some of like it :)!!
Posted by PeterG 28th May, 2002

sorry bout my total scores, ive changed all the fours to sixes, ok.
Posted by The Chris Street 28th May, 2002

Kristophor: they're not crappy reviews man: obviously you're the only one whos bothered to give it anything ABOVE 4
Posted by ChrisOch 28th May, 2002

Well, I woul have thought that I would at least get an average score of "5" for completing the thing. I think I am taking back my not hating you Circy!! Well, I should redeem myself with Crop Crusader II, and I won't hype it for the sake of not getting anyone's hopes up ;)...
Posted by DBack 28th May, 2002

Never mind. It's fun, but only if you know the passwords, which is a problem. The controls don't help either.
Posted by DBack 28th May, 2002

btw I do know the passwords
Posted by Poke & Gravy 28th May, 2002

As a newer member of Daily Click I am not familiar with the "hype" this game got. It does seem like some of you are being harsh. All games have their faults but just because a game isn't what you expected it to be is no reason to tread all over it. Anyway I found the game to be quite enjoyable and combine that with the good graphics and you have a good game. I think it is good, and it is definitely at least average, so a 4?!? I hope you guys rethink that, or don't complain when your big, long-awaited game gets the same low grade.
Posted by Duncan 1st June, 2002

I think that this game is very good. ;)
Posted by RapidFlash 4th June, 2002

A 4 is pretty harsh... then again, some people don't like platformers, and some are just tired of them (like me).
Posted by Karl Hedlund 5th June, 2002

Every game is good. In that way that every game makes the maker better at making games! :D
Posted by Klik Central 5th June, 2002

At least 6 stars, the graphics are amazing :D
Posted by RapidFlash 6th June, 2002

Alex, it had some hype... numerous posts in some sites (well, so I rarely visit Click Cafe or Klik Top 50...)... Oh, DBack, visit the Virtually Real site for passwords... go to the FAQs, and then VReal Games part of that ;-).
Posted by RapidFlash 6th June, 2002

Oh, er... I misread DBack's comment. But just go find out anyway,
Posted by DBack 6th June, 2002

yeah, the problem is that you can't really complete the game by playing all the levels without dying. why? the fatal bug in the falling level.
Posted by RapidFlash 8th June, 2002

Sometimes the fatal bug doesn't occur. For some reason it never happens on my computer anymore, and I was able to beat the level. To bad there's no cheat code to warp to the boss... he's impossibly hard.
Posted by RapidFlash 8th June, 2002

Oh, and the game's zip is around 4.5 megs, not 11 (I know, that's the amount of disk space it takes).
Posted by 11th June, 2002

Arthur Lee - "Let's all hope VReal can survive without me". Hahahahahahaaaa.. You really brighten my day with your ridiculous humour, Pod.. :)
Posted by Josh Whelchel 12th June, 2002

I personally agree with the 4, it crashes tons for me on a system that has not failed me once in other situations.
Posted by Josh Whelchel 12th June, 2002

oh, and excuse my comment seeming to be based purely on MY system. I reviewed more detail
Posted by The Chris Street 1st July, 2002

The engine though, it was better than this games
Posted by Nnn 9th July, 2002

this crashes on the level when you fly.....that sux. otehrwise i like it.
Posted by ChrisOch 25th July, 2002

I am uploading version 1.2 in a few days, and it won't have the crash bug in it. I don't even know how it got in there in the first place :P!! It took a little while for me to fix it, eh ;)?
Posted by DBack 16th August, 2002

where is it then
Posted by DBack 16th August, 2002

where is it then
Posted by Eivind Engedal 6th April, 2004

Very nice graphics! But the platform movement engine in TGF doesn't feel right at all, try some of them custom engines.





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