The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Titan Exodus 2 (classic mode demo)

Titan Exodus 2 (classic mode demo)
Author: cake Submitted: 18th April, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 364

Edited By Biax on 5/15/2004

The final demo of Titan Exodus 2. The next release will be full game (whenever THAT will be...).

If you haven't played Titan Exodus 1, then I guess you won't know what this game series is all about, but TE2 Classic Demo plays something like this:

Sidescrolling shoot-em-up in the vein of R-Type
Between deaths and stages you are taken to a shop screen to buy upgrades for your ship and select possible wingmen to help you in your battle
There are 3 different weapon modes to select from, so you can play through multiple times trying out different strategies and techniques, as well as using different wingmen at different times. It's all about experimentation and of course, blowing stuff up!

The demo features 1 stage, but as said, it can be played through in lots of different ways.

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Posted by Dr. James MD 18th April, 2004

This is the tastiest sandwich of them all ;)
Posted by Simen 18th April, 2004

Indeed it is.
Posted by Willy C 18th April, 2004

wow,nice job. Usually I dont like that sorta games, but with the upgrade possebility and stuff, its great!
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 18th April, 2004

as usual Biax your GFX are top notch.
Posted by Teapot 18th April, 2004

WOW, I know Jay is good but it will be hard for alpha to match this!
Posted by pulsecode 18th April, 2004

Looks very nice indeed. Personally I think the ship starts out too slow and underpowered. I know that the idea is to get points and upgrade, but I don’t find doing the same short bit again and again (and again and again!) until I have enough weaponry and am fast enough to progress. Perhaps making the lowest ship speed not so painfully slow and the base weapon a touch more powerful would help it not be an exercise in "ill get enough cash eventually and then I can play the level!" Also, I noticed that if you hang back too far, you die, like the game thinks you got crushed between a rock and the edge of play, several times when attacking big groups of flying ships I was paying more attention to them and my bullets than the side of the screen, and died as a result. Anyway, niggles aside, this is splendid! The graphics are seriously nice for the most part and the engine is very capable indeed. Especially impressive later on when things get rather more hectic! Definitely one I’ll be looking out for upon final release. Great job ;^)
Posted by cake 18th April, 2004

Dustin G. I'll try to keep it in check ;) pulsecode: Thanks, yeh they are all problems I wrestly with. The stage in the demo is actually the second stage in the final game, so the ship should be a little more beefed up at the start I guess. As for the crushing, I'll have a look into it. :) And thank you to everyone else :D
Posted by Crystal Clear (H.E.S) 19th April, 2004

Wow, i heard it was good, i didnt know it was this good though. The gfx are brilliant, they give me a sort of Snes feel which is great, lots of detail. Gameplay is even better, reminds me of "U.N squadron" on SNES, but alot better gfx. quite hard for me, i keep running into damn rocks XD
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 19th April, 2004

Do you actually always trace the graphics of other games? Just a friendly question, because it looks ALOT like Metal Slug.
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 19th April, 2004 This is what happens when you have your reference picture right next to you when you make your own GFX. The colours are close to identical too. I was a little confused but if you're not Jay White then don't take this critisism so hard. But if you are Jay, then take this very hard because I've just proven a point.
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 19th April, 2004

Sorry, seems you're not Jay. Didn't mean to sound so harsh but a tip for you is not to look too much on a reference, it turns out very much like it.
Posted by Death Reaper X 19th April, 2004

Seems nice but I keep dying too quickly lol
Posted by RyGuyX 19th April, 2004

Hey Biax, as usual very nice graphics, although I wish you wouldn't use such low resolutions :P, Also have you ever heard of a difficulty curve? Ten seconds in to the game and I have homing missiles coming at me. Anyway I didn't have enough time to play past the first level; off to work. Later. And to Zero - he does all his own graphics and they look great so lay off the subject; it's like telling a person not to make a shoot-em-up game because they did that with megaman. If he wants to make jagged rocks with snow, let him. Jeebus.
Posted by RyGuyX 19th April, 2004

oh before i go - bug report. The mouse can go off screen at the buy menu and even up to the other things you "can't" buy like a flak cannon (which I don't quite understand) and you *can* buy them and even if you have enough money skip levels 1 and 2 and just buy 3.
Posted by cake 19th April, 2004

ZeroTau - Yes the graphics are based off metal slug references, it's all part of the learning process. I don't like the MMF colour palette, so I tend to use colours from other games instead. I chose metal slug for this game :). Since I've been learning more about pixelling, I've moved away from using references so heavily, level 3 only used colours and no references whatsoever, which is probably what the rest of the game will be like. Nice change to hear a graphical criticsm, hahaha. RyGuyX - yeh man, THANKS, problem being the maker of something: you NEVER think of things like that. I'll fix that for the final version :D The final version does have a difficulty select, this demo defaults to somewhere between medium and hard, so, Dustin G. - Thanks. Those are all points I was concerned about, you made them concrete, hehe. The full game has an arcade mode too, where you collect weapon upgrades in the level, for people who don't like the shop system. There will be bosses on some stages but not others. As for enemies going through walls...yeh, I was pretty dumb when I first started making this, getting the wingmen to just KIND OF navigate the level was a big achievement. It's too late to change them now, but in any other games I make, they will navigate the level just like everything else :) tip: If you have an attack drone you can block homing spores with it.
Posted by Jack Galilee 19th April, 2004

uh how many Titan Exodes gamea re currently being made?
Posted by cake 19th April, 2004

3~ Titan Exodus 2 Titan Genesis (Exodus 3) Titan Exodus Alpha
Posted by Jack Galilee 19th April, 2004

Posted by cake 20th April, 2004

Use the arrow keys or directional pad on your joypad to move the cursor around and press fire button 1 to select things.
Posted by Dr. James MD 20th April, 2004

Titan Genesis is pretty much abandoned now it was gonna set the whole story so you know why your fighting. i may pick this up after TEa but its unlikely. TEa also has the same game options. there are actually 3 modes which effect how weapons are picked up. one is like biax's arcade mode, and another is a combination of the 2.
Posted by Dr. James MD 20th April, 2004

oh and Biax if angelfire's bandwidth dosnt like this download, ill host it for you :)
Posted by cake 20th April, 2004

Please do!!





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