The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Engine ::. beat-em-up example (open source)

beat-em-up example (open source)
Author: clwe Submitted: 21st April, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Engine Downloads: 1195

Due to popular demand (or a few people, at least), here is a open source beat-em-up engine that is fully commented. The methods used in here are taken almost directly from my recent game, One Girl Army. It covers movement, attacking, combination attacks, player/enemy collisions and even basic enemy AI. The methods used for some aspects may not be the best or most suitable, but they provide a good starting point nonetheless.

I should point out that, although I tried to explain everything along the way, I would not recommend this to those who aren't used to TGF/MMF. You will need a basic understanding of custom movement (repositioning objects manually).

The engine can be opened in TGF or MMF and requires just one extension, the fastloop. Don't mind the characters and background in the picture - they're just for example purposes.

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Posted by The Chris Street 21st April, 2005

Probably best to include the Fastloop extention with this.
Posted by clwe 21st April, 2005

Ok, the fastloop extension is now in the zip.
Posted by Marine Paloesha 21st April, 2005

Good idea to add this.
Posted by -Vinny- 22nd April, 2005

good job, clwe, and that was a great game aswell, very well made, i love how smooth it was, and the depth of game the fighting moves, it's very rare to find combo moves in TGF games, so i applaud your efforts in making thjat game
Posted by Leerz 23rd April, 2005

whoooHooO!!!! -- u ddint bother typing an article huh? just released and open source :P hahaha! astounding! XD
Posted by clwe 23rd April, 2005

Nah, and I didn't bother explaining all the events, either... Ok, the engine is near-identical =P (I was lazy in that respect), even if there are explanations in the event list. I think some people may prefer this to an article, though. I really couldn't think of how to word something like this without creating the worlds longest article XD
Posted by Jason Orme 23rd April, 2005

Thanks alot Clwe, this will be come in very useful indeed. :)
Posted by Leric 23rd April, 2005

I really love this system kinda feels like Devil May Cry but with Amy. Sadly I never downloaded your One Girl Army game but after playing this I'm gonna go get it right now.
Posted by Chrisbo 23rd April, 2005

this is fricken sweet!
Posted by Leerz 24th April, 2005

yes it is..
Posted by Bartman 29th April, 2005

cant wait to see Sonic DIY source =P Just kidding, great work on One Girl Army. Quite a nice combo system. I wonder if someone'll make a 2 or 4 player version.
Posted by Aptennap 27th April, 2008
Rated :

Great example, it really helps me. I'm working on a beat 'em up right now.





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