Quex: 4 Colours
Edited By Wartagon (CrobaSoft) on 6/21/2005
Dreadbourne INC. are up to no good these days.
They're making plans about destroying whole villages to build up new factories. You are playing as Quex - a brave raindrop from a village named Soggy Meadows that are trying to prevent Dreadbourne from complete their plans.
One day, Quex flies his aircraft near the Dreadbourne headquarter to steal their most important papers. These papers contain highly classified information about Dreadbourne's future plans and the Dreadbourne company doesn't want anyone to know about the content. On the way out of the headquarter, Quex accidently triggers the alarm. Quex leaps out of the building with a bunch of guards chasing him. He manages to get to his plane.
Now he must survive the ride of his life - in the air.
This all started out when I got bored of working on Clouds Kingdom 3 and wanted to see if I was able to do a game in just 4 colours. I didn't know what to do at first, but then it came to this.
Even though that the game might seem quite simple and possibly plays like some of my other games, I'd recommend you to try it anyway. I wanted to do this game as retro as I possible could, and just a reason like that may even be fun to check out.
The game is very simple.
But if you want instructions, you can find information how to play at the 'help section' in the game's menu.
Production Company: CrobaSoft - At least you didn't pay for it !
Lead Design: Wartagon
Based on an idea by: Azokie
Graphics: Wartagon, Saven
Programming: Wartagon
Music: Wartagon
VERSION 1.1 Changes
• Lives and score reset after dying.
• Enemies goes off screen before disapearing
• The hit animation is fixed
NOTE: If you have problems playing the game because of missing files, try downloading this file and unzip it into the game's directory;
If you are missing the dmc2.cox - go here:
For more games, please go to CrobaSoft's site at:
Review This Download
 http://www.crobasoft.com/products/quex.zip (518kb )
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