The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. ZombyDude's REVENGE!!

ZombyDude's REVENGE!!
Author: markno2 Submitted: 11th January, 2007 Favourites:2
Genre: Action Downloads: 376
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By marky_2 on 11/3/2013

You play as Zombydude. A dude with an attitude problem executed for a crime he didn't commit. Now, through powers of undeath, an army of darkness was formed, consisting of zombies and hellspawn. The powers of undeath resurrected all the dead on earth, including Zombydude. As the only sane living dude on earth he must now prepare to blast his way through the depths of hell to put an end to this evil!

This is a fullscreen action shooter, fully-scrolling platformer, complete with original graphics, characters, sounds and music.

This game features:
*Four unique weapons (Pistol, Pump-action shotgun and the others for you to find out.),
*Several different enemies for you to defeat,
*Painstakingly hand-dithered graphics for you to enjoy,
*Several different terrains for you to explore,(help Zombydude paint the town red... With blood!)
*Highly optimised download size,
*Complete Voice acting
*Lots of humor.

Control overview:
Arrow keys = move.
Shift key = jump.
CTRL = fire
Number keys 1, 2, 3, 4 = Changes weapon accordingly.
SPACE BAR= Skip Cinematics.
P = Pause.

This game requires no installation. Just download, unzip and KILL, KILL, KILL!

Now ported to Flash. Use the zoom function of your browser to increase or decrease the window size.

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 (1mb )

Posted by Reno 11th January, 2007

I have to try this. i love zombies!
Posted by Reno 11th January, 2007

I appritiate the custom voice sound effects. I like to do this too. Thumbs up
Posted by s-m-r 11th January, 2007

Downloaded it from your site about a month ago, and LOVE IT!

Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th January, 2007

That game was fucking hilarious. I haven't played a game that gets straight to the point, no bullshit and not overly serious, for ages. It was crap, but in a really fun way.
Posted by Neuro 11th January, 2007

Your games bring an unexplainable joy to my heart I'd love to see something from you that doesn't follow the same run/shoot/jump/dodge formula.

But never EVER change your cut-scene style
Posted by Ski 11th January, 2007

LOL it was worth downloading for the Gaymart and the fact that Ill never ever run out of ammo
Posted by Kai Proton 12th January, 2007

Zombies Rule,

and has there ever been a game where you play the zombie,

I love the way the player gets health back,
Posted by Scick 12th January, 2007

Well I gotta admit, I like the original more.
Posted by Spiriax 12th January, 2007

As already mentioned, the game feeled a little "crappy", but still it was very funny! I just finished it for the second time. With "crappy" I mean the resized pixel bosses, sound effects and it all felt a little thrown together, but that's what gave it it's atmoshpere!

Thumbs up!
Posted by Ganymede Graphics 12th January, 2007

Yea it was alright, good that you made custom voices and all.
Posted by steve 12th January, 2007

Fantastic intro.

Default movement (ruins any game), bad collisions/consequences to hits during gameplay let it down very badly.

Sorry thumbs down from me
Posted by gustav 12th January, 2007

best game ever. the ending was hilarious.
Posted by Lazernaut 12th January, 2007

this game seemed like a rush job, never the less i liked it. Though i think it could've been a lot better had it been polished a bit more.
Posted by Johnny Look 12th January, 2007

It could be way better if you worked harder on it.
Still it's a decent little game.
Posted by Lazernaut 12th January, 2007

oh, and yes...there's a commercial 3D game out there called Stubbs The Zombie where you're the zombie. You get zombie minions to help you, and you can throw your arm and control it to mind control enemies, throw exploding bladders and playing bowling with your own head...awesome game
Posted by markno2 13th January, 2007

Hello everyone!!! I have uploaded a new version. The old version finished with the player on the CREDITS SCREEN. This version corrects the "bug" causing this and now you can see your player "rating" based upon your play. If you downloaded the old version (before this comment)you do NOT need to redownload, instead press SPACEBAR to go to next frame on credits screen. Maybe this contributed to why some people were saying it was thrown together! Sorry I hope you can forgive me .
Posted by SyKo 13th January, 2007

Good game. A few issues tho with a few platform movement glitches. Plus it would be nice to be able to duck under those damn enemy bullets. Enjoyable tho
Posted by Joshua M. 14th January, 2007

Fun game
I missed the weird ducking animation that we all know and love though
Or rather the possibility to duck at all. Ahh well
Posted by Del Duio 15th January, 2007

I played this last night around 2am when I should have been sleeping. I think that it's really cool, and it was short enough to win in about 20 minutes or so. I was expecting a crappy platform movement from the comments above, but I thought it was pretty good. I think there was only one time where the guy was in "shooting" animation after a jump, but only once.

I did think that maybe it was a bit too easy because you get way too much ammo and hearts in the levels. After you get the first shotgun there's no reason to ever use the starting peashooter again because there's so much ammo around.The cutscenes were very funny and well-done, and I like the nods to Evil Dead, even though you made Ash look like crap, lol. I ended up using the boomstick for most of the game.

One thing though: For a zombie, he moves too fast and jumps too high. The voice acting is great, and the enemy movements are cool, especially the winged red devil- It reminds me of the Red Devil from Ghouls N' Goblins. Thank God this game is not nearly as hard as that one. Thumbs up!
Posted by Tomssuli 15th January, 2007

Funny, playable, me liked, thumbs up
Posted by markno2 17th January, 2007

Thanks for the comments .
Posted by Dustin Gunn 17th January, 2007

best noob game I've played
Posted by The Chris Street 17th January, 2007

I actually liked this a lot more than I thought I would, considering how crude a game it really is. Might review at Clickzine. It reminds me of a klik game I played a few years ago called Brainless, with all the consistant shooting.

Enjoyed it a lot, you have a good game making career ahead of you. It could have done with some music ingame though.
Posted by markno2 18th January, 2007

Thanks for the comments . A review in the Clickzine would be awesome .
Posted by bhlaab 18th January, 2007

i havent downloaded it yet and im sure its great but making games starring a "dude with an attitude" should be illegal
Posted by Dustin Gunn 18th January, 2007

"i havent downloaded it yet and im sure its great but making games starring a "dude with an attitude" should be illegal"

You don't really know what kind of game this is...
Posted by The Chris Street 18th January, 2007

Ok, its reviewed.
Posted by markno2 23rd January, 2007

How could it be illegal? .

And thanks for the review .
Posted by 19th February, 2007

Good idea, liked the story screens and the theme, felt alittle to ameturish too play more than a few times, if this is one of your first creations well done 5 out of 10!
Posted by 19th February, 2007

Its a little crappy lol how cheeky are some people!!!!!
Posted by MBK 16th April, 2009
Rated :


Fun, fast-paced, to the point, great humor, nice stream-lined story, and wonderful cutscenes to top it off.

I played through it. The item placement is great too, keeps everything moving along, not too tough but still difficult enough that if you don't pay attention, you'll die ... I died 6 times and 4 of those deaths were in different areas than eachother.

I liked the graphics ... it makes me realise that I shouldn't worry so much about making polished animations, because they are of little benefit to the person playing the game. Everything else is way more important and this game proves it. But if you smoothed the graphics and made them look fancy, I bet this would be 5-starred by most everyone.

Great Job Markno2!

There's a first one? What's the title of it?

Comment edited by MBK on 4/16/2009
Posted by Chris Burrows 9th October, 2011
Rated :

LOVE IT!!!!!!
Posted by siven 9th October, 2011
Rated :

that was a lot of fun! played through the whole thing, enjoyed every bit of it. died a few times, but it was fun.
Posted by The Chris Street 11th October, 2011

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