Video Poker
Author: | Professor AI
Submitted: | 3rd April, 2007
Favourites: | 1 |
Genre: | Sport
| Downloads: | 254
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Edited By Professor AI on 4/7/2007
The release of Jeff Vance's video poker demo for MMF2 had a nice set of card faces, so I finished mine. It is a fully functional vegas-type 9/6 jacks-or-better machine in about 40 rules.
NEW: Use space to deal, 1-5 to hold, and return to draw!
Nerdy Background: In 1984 I wrote a video poker in a 2k programmable calculator on the an airplane back from Japan. I was pretty proud of the hand evaluator algorithm, which bubble-sorted then scanned the 5 cards twice in linear time.
The first scan computes the product of 2 ^ distance-between-equal-cards, which results in:
Nothing 1
Pair 2
2-pair 4
3-kind 8
FullHouse 16
4-kind 64
The second scan started with 3 variables set to 9, 10, and 11 and tried to "disprove" straight, high-straight, and flush, and multiplied them together, ending with:
straight 9 or 10
flush 11
str flush 99
Royal flush 110
which correctly ranked the hands!
Someday with more time it might make a nice MMF tutorial, using the auto-sort object for mixing the deck, a couple of fast loops, and checkbox coordination with both the clickable cards and the highlight boxes.
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