The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. My First Skydiving Academy

My First: Skydiving Academy
Author: Paul g Submitted: 20th March, 2008 Favourites:1
Genre: Action Downloads: 1223
107th Place     (4.22 / 5)
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Paul g on 3/20/2008

This is my 2nd tigsource game, and 2nd game ive released, it was made in 20 days after work for the vgng competition over at

The game can be sumarised as a fastpaced toddler skydiving game, without the parachute, its based of a randomly generated name I got for the competition.

The game was made in MMF2 HWA in direct x 8 mode, it features ragdoll on enemies, your baby, and foliage and alike.

his build features three replayable themed levels where your baby is thrown down into a canyon from a passing plane without a parachute and it is up to you to avoid obstacles as the toddler gains momentum and begins to ignite from the sheer speed, just like a space ship on re-entry!

The goal is to reach the end of the course within the alloted time and with at least one bone remaining in your little meatbags body.

Have fun guys, tell us what you think, its strictly been developed very quickly for the tigsource comp, so theres bugs, but if theres enough interest ill make more levels and add some more features when I get the time. I wont be around for a few days so leave some comments talk when I get back.


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 (12.77 mkb )

Posted by viva/volt 21st March, 2008
Rated :

This is AWESOME!

I really like the graphics, and the use of physics. It all ties together very nicely.
Posted by Klikmaster 21st March, 2008
Rated :

A well presented and executed project. The only thing that gets me is that the horisontal movement seems really un-realistic, although it looks like that couldn't be helped.
Posted by Reno 21st March, 2008
Rated :

I love the graphics, but how did you do this? hmmm....
Posted by Torava 21st March, 2008
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Wow. It looks so professional! I can't even believe that it's made with MMF2. You used Phizix, right?
Posted by Simon Czentnár 21st March, 2008
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It looks amazing!
Posted by alibaba 21st March, 2008
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Graphically it looks nice and the effects are good too. Any game that comes with Topgun music is always going to get bonus points with me.

However, i found it quite boring after a few goes. Maybe some more power ups? I also got stuck a couple of times when the baby got caught up in rubble and his head just flopped around until time ran out!

Overall it's good, definately worth a download as it is something original here and you have obviously put a lot of work into this project.
Posted by Aptennap 21st March, 2008
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These graphics are amazing!
Posted by DeadmanDines 21st March, 2008
Rated :

Absolute GENIUS!

Five stars from me!! Graphics are beautiful, really good show off for the HWA. If you haven't already, show this to CT, it'd make a good demonstration of what MMF is capable of, so long as they put a content advisory on it to avoid complaining mothers.

Only downer: It may run slow during transitions if you have onboard graphics. I have tacky laptop, therefore onboard graphics, therefore slow.
Posted by Dr. James MD 21st March, 2008
Rated :

I'm liking the look of the sceenshots! I've only ever played 1 other sky diving game - Base Jumpers on the Amiga. Ruddy good stuff there too. Parachuting strikes again! Maybe *downloading*
Comment edited by Dr. Uppity on 3/21/2008
Posted by Dr. James MD 21st March, 2008
Rated :

Yup, a goodun.
Posted by Andres Vialpando 21st March, 2008
Rated :

short but definitely worth full price!
Posted by Silveraura 21st March, 2008
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I love how so many people underestimate MMF2 so drastically. It's quite sad really, because people need games like this to prove how powerful it is. I'm really looking forward to trying this game out, not because it shows what MMF2 can do, but because it shows what people can do when they actually try to make something good for a change!
Posted by Attan 21st March, 2008
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It looks so... Flash. Fun to play, for a while at least.
Posted by viva/volt 21st March, 2008
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It doesn't look like flash to me... It looks like a Hardware Accelerated game...
Posted by No 21st March, 2008
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This is a great game. I found it a bit hard though.
Posted by danjo 21st March, 2008
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Posted by Faithtoken 22nd March, 2008
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Good graphics, nice gameplay, just wish it hadn't been with babies... That fact alone cost 2 stars from me.
Posted by markno2 22nd March, 2008
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5 stars because you can kill babies, though the fact there's no babygore almost costs the game a rating point.
Posted by Fanotherpg 22nd March, 2008
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Well done and nice/stupid idea with babies...
Posted by Sphax 22nd March, 2008
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Very professional result, nice gameplay (but a bit too short) and very nice graphics.
Posted by Zoglu 22nd March, 2008
Rated :

Impressive ! Your game looks very professional. The graphics, the gameplay, the baby ...everything is well-made.
However, it is too short. Maybe you should add an "endless" mode where the player could try to survive for as long as possible...Also, the menus are a bit annoying (I got back to the title screen many times, thinking the "again" option was selected).
So, keep improving it
Posted by Del Duio 22nd March, 2008
Rated :

I'm both shocked and amazed by this. The graphics remind me of Wind Waker in some parts (the backgrounds probably). 10 years ago this would've cracked me up a LOT, but once you have kids yourself you can't really enjoy yourself playing a game featuring incinerating babies, genius idea as it might be. Not to sound too mushy, but it's true.
Posted by markno2 22nd March, 2008
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I have kids and like killing the baby in this game. :}
Posted by Snakesoft 22nd March, 2008
Rated :

VERY, VERY awesome.
Posted by MJK 22nd March, 2008

Fantastic production, but too harsh concept. If you want to have as many people enjoying your game as possible, then you might want to replace the human baby with some animal.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 22nd March, 2008
Rated :

Great job--but I think most people would rather see a human baby killed than an animal...animals are cute, whereas human babies are general hideous (unless it's yours).
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 22nd March, 2008

Is that you MUGG!?!?!
Posted by Silveraura 22nd March, 2008
Rated :

I really like this game, it's fun, rather unique, very well put together. I agree with Guru though, humans in a matter of speaking are ugly, especially at young age.

If you don't mind me asking though, exactly what size is this game supposed to be at, window size wise. It seems like even when I first open it, it's stretched. No performance loss, but it's still rather noticeable.
Posted by Del Duio 22nd March, 2008
Rated :

If you want to have as many people enjoying your game as possible, then you might want to replace the human baby with some animal.

Sad to say more people would be up in arms over a racoon drop than lil' Ralphie.
Posted by Chrisbo 22nd March, 2008

I've been out of the loop for a while, is HWA finally coming to MMF? I looked on the clickteam site and there are HWA betas, but no official release yet?

Sweet game btw.
Posted by Ski 22nd March, 2008

Why wasn't the baby dropped by a stork? T_T
Posted by Airflow 23rd March, 2008
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Posted by Neuro 23rd March, 2008
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I laughed, so it works for me.

Short-lived experience, but very well done. Music was perfect.

Now I wish I had children...

and access to a small plane
Posted by robin90 23rd March, 2008
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Excellent Game
Posted by Marcello64 23rd March, 2008

The music is FANTASTIC! I always wanted to make a game like this where you just fall and fall, excellent job!
Posted by Paul g 23rd March, 2008

Cheers for the comments guys, just to answer a few questions, yup the game is stretched, its running 640x in mmf and is stretched to 800x600 using the window extension.

The game doesnt use phyzix, just alot of alterable

values n math, which is probably why its bugging out alot.

Yea the art style is a bit "Flash" but I had 3 days after work, so like, 10 hours tops to knock out all the graphics and animation, its the cost I paid to get it done.

I know babies are sort of controversial, but I couldn't realy care, no offense.

It needs more levels, I might add more or just start something different, we will see.

Theres a few bugs in there im aware of, just not enough time to fix everything perfectly, aswell as transitions that chug on slower machines.
Comment edited by Paul g on 3/23/2008
Posted by Tropik 24th March, 2008
Rated :

Very nice game!
Greate idea and fantastic phiisix ;D
Good Work!
Posted by lembi2001 29th March, 2008
Rated :

top notch! chuckled all the time i played it!
Posted by izac 2nd April, 2008
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Posted by erghhhhx 2nd April, 2008
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Very wellmade, nice music and graphics. But that's it. It's not very fun to play.
Posted by Carnivorous id 4th April, 2008
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I think it would be cool to have to pull the shute at the end of the fall.
Posted by CGmonkey 6th April, 2008
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The idea is spot on, the grpahical presentation is even more so spot on!

However this game have the same problem as most amateur developed games have: It works against the player instead of working with the player.

-- Reward system: the only reward in this game is a) finishing a level with a lot of mayhem or b) finsihing the game. This ia poor reward system and should be thought of.

-- The GUI work against the player in so many ways. If you have any GUI it should be in the peripherals of the action, not as far away from the action as you can possibly get on the screen.

-- When you die and you want to press "Continue" but since the controls involve left/right and the menu when you die involes left/right I pressed "Menu" every second try.

-- A game like this is based out of memeory, it's old-school but hey, we all like old school that's why we're here, right? But what this game lack is "landmarks" so that you can orient yourself better.. This leads me to another point:

-- Way to freaking hard. Don't work against the player. The difficult curve in this game is way too high to be enjoyable.

Still one of the better games I've seen made in MMF2 as of late. Great work for the amount of time you've put into it.
Posted by Noyb 9th April, 2008

You just got second in the TIGSource contest. Congrats!
Posted by Dogzer 22nd July, 2008

Posted by Skelux 23rd February, 2009

Woah! I just noticed this in the march 2009 issue of pc power play!





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