The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Big Bean

Big Bean
Author: Gokotti Submitted: 6th March, 2009 Favourites:1
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 493

Edited By Gokotti on 3/4/2014

Edited By Mikko Kokotti on 3/9/2009


Have you grown tired to those cute little puppy worshipping games that seem to invade the click-market nowadays? Do you consider yourself as a hardcore gamer? Do you find most click games too easy? If your answer to all of these questions is yes, then I have a product for you!

(Not actually that hard game. It can be beaten)

BIG BEAN isn't trying to do anything fancy or new. Big Bean is a game about slaughtering monsters! And drinking. And smoking. Unfortunately only thing you are in control of, is the killing. But hey, be glad of what you've got!

The Plot:
One day some monsters invade the earth. Big Bean and his friend Erkki decide to eliminate every single monster so that they can continue their lives as normal. They have to go through all sorts of crazy environments to get to their goal!

Big Bean is our main character. He considers himself as a rastafari. He smokes like a rasta, and looks like a rasta, but he is also willing to kill every single monster that comes in his way!

Erkki is the old and drunk friend of Big Bean. He favors alcohol over other drugs, and booze gets him in all sorts of trouble.

Yellowman is your dealer. He's got everything you need, just make sure you've got the money!

Other stuff:

I do not encourage you to use any drugs or alcohol. This game is made purely for entertainment purposes.

Please read both Tips and Tricks and RTFM! text files. You are on your own when you start the game, so reading these files is mandatory!!

The game is hard. If you have anger management problems, consider playing it alone. Don't break anything etc. Not worth it.

Yep, if you are interested, feel free to download and comment!

Review This Download (4.6 mkb )

Posted by erghhhhx 8th March, 2009

Najs virus file, yay.
Posted by nanoco 8th March, 2009

this crashes my system.
Posted by UrbanMonk 9th March, 2009

Doesn't work, it crashed before the screen even refreshed.
Posted by Gokotti 9th March, 2009

Oh snap. I found out that the modfusionFX3 makes it crash sometimes to someone. I shall fix that problem during this week by replacing the mod player.
Posted by Tomssuli 9th March, 2009

Doesn't work on my computer either, too bad... It sounded fun
Posted by Raverider 9th March, 2009
Rated :

Hey! I provide the hosting for Big Bean, and the game has been updated! So please test the game again, it now uses a different module player!! The developer is quite sure that it shouldn't crash anymore!
Thanks for your understanding. The files do not contain viruses (have been checked multiple times with quality programs), but some scanners seems to detect some modules as viruses. But it shouldn't cause any harm to your computer!
Comment edited by Raverider on 3/9/2009
Posted by Gokotti 9th March, 2009

I bet my jewels, it won't crash now. At least so often. Have fun (and suffer last levels).
Posted by UrbanMonk 9th March, 2009

Musta been a bad runtime version of the extension. I'll download later.
Posted by Tomssuli 9th March, 2009

hmm... still doesn't work =\
Posted by Fish20 9th March, 2009
Rated :

I couldn't seem to get past the first level. The game does not really say what you're supposed to do in the level. It also uses a platform engine that makes you get stuck on the trashcans. For that it is a 3 out of 5.
Posted by RedEnchilada 10th March, 2009

No, yes, no. I like those cute little puppy-worshipping games very much, thank you.
Posted by Don Luciano 10th March, 2009
Rated :

Very good game, i like it.
Posted by Raverider 10th March, 2009
Rated :

Fish20: You are supposed to kill all the enemies. Then a yellow circle appears, and when you touch it, you move on.
Posted by Kokocipher 10th March, 2009

is this clean or what? I don't want to download viruses
Posted by Tomssuli 11th March, 2009

Yey! It finally works! ...funny game as I expected, quite hard too.
Posted by Raverider 11th March, 2009
Rated :

The game has no viruses! Avast alerts you that reggae1.mod could be a trojan, that is not true.
Posted by Marko 12th March, 2009
Rated :

Never unfair, always challenging, ever charming - a great game that has been crafted with the utmost care and talent! Only the repetitive nature of the gameplay that causes the lastibility to suffer pretty quick stops this from a perfect rating - defo worth downloading though!






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