The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Cyberspace

Author: CodeCannon Submitted: 15th April, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 105

Edited By CodeCannon on 5/11/2009

Cyberspace is a simple arcade game with the theme of.. cyberspace!

Starting with a base station and a commander ship, you have to protect your fleet while conquering the rest.

You can expand your fleet by activating drones that are scattered around space with your laser. Although drones don't have lasers, they do have speed and can ram into opponents. Drones can also be maneuvered using your commander ship's gravity. You can set them up as guards for your base station, for instance.

Cyberspace eats CPUs for breakfast, unfortunately. As a guide, my laptop makes it at 30 fps (P4 3.2 GHz, 384 MB RAM). As you will notice, the game is released under GNU GPL 3. Please let me know of any bugs you have found, or bug fixes and features you have added or that you would like me to add, so that we can improve the software.

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Posted by Rikus 15th April, 2009

umm screenies dont work
Posted by Muz 15th April, 2009

Yeah, Google Sites doesn't seem to support redirects. Try putting it on Photobucket or so if you still can't get it to work.
Posted by W3R3W00F 16th April, 2009

Picturetrail is pretty nice.
Posted by CodeCannon 20th April, 2009

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm using Tinypic, however. You can upload images there without registration.

So, what do you think of the game?
Comment edited by CodeCannon on 4/20/2009
Posted by Kitsuneh 24th April, 2009
Rated :

Well, I like the simple graphics and the music is nice and fits the game... but its kinda too hard, or maybe I just suck at it, heh.
I find it sort of hard to fire at the enemies without crashing into them... >_>

Was fun for 15 minutes though. Hope you get some more comments since mine kinda blows. xP sorry
Posted by CodeCannon 15th May, 2009

Thanks, constructive criticism is good.

I've updated it to version 1.1. The ships move slower so it is easier to play.






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