Magnavox Odyssey - The Clone Project (v0.3)
Edited By Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming) on 4/27/2009
Edited By Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming) on 4/27/2009
Edited By Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming) on 4/27/2009
Magnavox Odyssey - The Clone Project is something i made mainly for the heck of it. It tries to simulate the whole idea of having two dots ( or bars) and overlays. You define the rules, you define the scores!
Use the WASD and the keys for moving the two bars. I reccomend having two players
Here's a quick overview of the 5 overlays
1 - Blank. This is just for messing around with two bars.
2 - Tennis.
3 - Skiing. Move from one of the three top positions
to the bottom.
4 - Maze.
5 - Wrestling. Force the other player out of the ring.
( if the link leads you to some weird page, try copy-pasting the link to your browser)
- Redid some overlays, because the resolution allows me to.
- Now in HWA!
- Corrected some overlay sizes.
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