The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Beat 'Em Up ::. Little ninja asasins

Little ninja asasins
Author: sonicx234 Submitted: 8th July, 2022 Favourites:0
Genre: Beat 'Em Up Downloads: 56

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Edited By sonicx234 on 08/07/2022

Call it Little ninja assassins remake, Call it Little ninja assassins episode 1 the remake point is it's a reboot game where our Heroes Jetry Stiny and Jiles set on an adventure to save their father from the demon pretending to be their father.
Before playing here are a few non spoiler facts.
1 only us as players hear the demons voice and see him but the kids hear and see their father.
2 3 ninjas are their idols that's why they take after em .
3 the alcohol was sold to them cause the shop owner was hypnotized.
use arrow keys to move space to shoot and there is also also save the game feature now.
Note If somebody downloaded wrong games from the link i am sorry i fixed it so now thelink is to the corect game so deleate what you download it and download it again.

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