The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Beat 'Em Up ::. Little ninja asasins robotasieed

Little ninja asasins robotasieed
Author: sonicx234 Submitted: 7th August, 2022 Favourites:0
Genre: Beat 'Em Up Downloads: 76

Edited By sonicx234 on 07/08/2022

In this forth instalment Our heroes Jetry, Stiny and Jiles are Traped in a virtual world where they will not only meet their lost brother but will have to fight Their robotic clones lead by the metal monster dragon iorn claw. So will our herose ascape and why are they trapaed there download the game and find out.

use arow keys to move space to shoot enter to jump and a to use a new wepon bostaf but you will only get it when you fight eleven's boss

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