Being British, I don't care. Tony Blair will just suck up to whichever one's president anyway. Politics is all corrupt and retarded anyway, fucking does my head in.
I think the anarchist party should win... if bush wins, we get WWIII, if Kerry wins, we go commi! can't win either way but...I think kerry will win... 77-66 last time I checked. We should scrap the electoral college.
As a boy, I wanted to be a train. I didn’t realize this was unusual—that other kids played with trains, not as them.
Sadly it looks like Bush will win this one. He's leading by 100,000 votes in Ohio w/ 92% precincts reporting (as of 1:45 AM EST 11/3). If he wins Ohio, the 20 electoral votes will give him a total of 269. Even if Kerry swept every other State, he'd only force a tie that would be broken in a republican-controlled House. All in all, things are looking pretty grim tonight. At least I earned my right to bitch about the presidency for the next 4 years by voting.
XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir
Deleted User
3rd November, 2004 at 02:46:15 -
Nobody must have watched "Fahreinheit" yet then Cause all of Bush's plans are revieled there.
Very close election, but judging from a certain fortune teller... Bush is gonna win .
Let's see...
If Bush wins, we get more wars, which would lead to even more terrorist threats.
But if Kerry wins, they'd get looser abortion rights (which isn't a good thing) and he'd pull a lotta businesses outta 'foreign countries'. In other words, this little 3rd world country I'm living in would be crippled by all the businesses going back to USA.
Not only that, but since those businesses are gonna have to pay wages about 4 times higher, for lazy, previously unemployed bums who are not as efficient, I'd say that Kerry winning would be very, very bad for the world economy. But, does it matter when Kerry's adding more jobs to America AND will stop wasting bombs on terrorists?
Politics suck. If only America had a president who would just sit around doing what HE likes, instead of trying to gain support.
But then again... I just may vote for Kerry just to see America go communist and watch Mr Governator get pissed off. But then again, I did give Phizzy an 'honorable mention' back in the TDC admin elections, so my opinion sucks .
Oh well. Go Nader!
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Right now it's
BUSH: 254
KERRY: 252
according to Yahoo. It's damn close, but pretty much over. Bush has announced that he's won, but Kerry's not conceding so it'll go to provisionals, which can't be counted for like a fortnight or something, and there's a lot of legal action being launched already.
Considering how Bush cheated his first election, there's no reason something similar mightn't happen for Kerry. I think he's still in with a chance.
Each state has a certain number of votes in the electoral college, or something. Ohio has 20, for example, while that shitty little one up the top has only 4.
America: They gave us the simpsons, for that I am eternally grateful. This proves that at least some are very intelligent. Those I have met have all been friendly and generous. Yet, dispite all of this, the majority of voters voted for Bush. Thus I reach a certain conclusion: American idiots vote. No offence to any that did vote for Bush, I don't pretend to know enough about american politics to condone Kerry and some people may have had good reasons to not vote for him, but surely the majority of americans have not anylised the effect of Kerry on the stock market. Thus most will have voted on the grounds of those things that the politicians have been bringing to their attention, such as (wait for it...) the war on terror and of course the speeches. On these grounds alone, who could possibly vote FOR Bush (as oppose to AGAINST Kerry) since the man is clearly not intelligent enough for such an important possition. Anyone who has seen him talking about tribal soverignty ("soverign entities") will know this. This proves that Plato was right; democracy is fundamentally flawed because the people simply don't know what's best for them. Think about it, in a meritocracy governed by selfless individuals chosen purely on grounds of intelligence, practicalty, morality and those other qualities that dictate suitability for such a role, would Bush be a member of the government? Hell no. So, if you happen to be an american idiot who voted for Bush on the basis of the drivel he says and the war on terror, well done for getting of your ass and voting. It's better than appathy after all. Just please think harder next time.
Why the hell am I on the computer at 1 in the morning? No, don't answer.
I can't believe it either, but then again, most of the younger voters (18-29) don't vote, which really sucks because they tend to be more liberal.
And what's worse is that the Republicans now control all the branches of government
Once again, America is being run by someone who can't even run a business right. I think most people voted for Kerry simply because HE ISN'T BUSH. The guy has an IQ of under 100 for christ sake, and americans are opting to let HIM make decisions? Might as well start voting grade school kids to be president.
Also, the 'war on terror' didn't really solve anything. In my opinion it only made America look really really really sad: Here we are, a HUGE global powerhouse called the United States of America pouring in billions and trillions of dollars into military research etc etc. They're enemy is a little third world country's terrorist reginme. Each time they fire a multi-million dollar satelite laser guided missel at a targeted terrorist hideout resulted in maybe 4-5 terrorist casualties plus maybe 45-50 civilian deaths. Despite all the elite training their troops had, one of them actually threw a primed gernade into his own tent. After thousands of civilian death's and hundreds of dead troops, did they capture Bin Laden? No.
So whats GWB got to say for it all? "I'm trying to avoid another September the 11th". Good job, GB, good job.
Edited by the Author.
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
How can you let someone who can't even say nuclear right run the country with the most nuclear makes absolutely no sense just from that one point.
"You can't say nuclear, that really scares me" - Kerry in, This Land, by Jib Jab
As a boy, I wanted to be a train. I didn’t realize this was unusual—that other kids played with trains, not as them.
I'm glad that bush won. He is way better than kerry. Why does everyone think bush will lead us into the next world war. Within the next four years I will be old enough to vote and I shall vote for Nader. That 70 year old man has never had any hope. Let's make his last years on this planet a good one. Nader 2008!
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
5th November, 2004 at 00:47:44 -
Yeah, I am, like 12 years old chicken. Kinda like 11 though. And just becuase I am young doesn't mean that I don't know what's going on in our country. I did my reaserch on both Kerry and Bush, and decided that I should pick the lesser of the 2 evils. I debated for hours with a bunch of highschool aged Kerry supporters and shot down every attack against Bush.
By the way, make your own sandwitch. 12 year olds apparently don't know enough to even make sandwitches. Think before opening your mouth.
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
I'd vote for Bush simply because Kerry's also an idiot who could potentially destroy the economy. If you've watched him on the debates, he hardly knew what he was talking about (neither did Bush, but he debated better). And if America's economy falls, so would most of the world's economy. After all, America does consume more stuff...
In a meritocracy, people from Yale probably wouldn't even get a chance at being president. Democracy proves that those idiotic blue collar workers who watch too much TV vote. And they know nothing cept what the media tells them. I hate American media. >:/
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
5th November, 2004 at 01:05:35 -
I am very done talking to idiots (chicken and nuclear). Come get me after they all leave.
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Keep in mind that the president alone isn't handling the entire economy, so any blatantly stupid bills just aren't going to pass. Also keep in mind that the vast majority of economic activity is undertaken by the private sector, and they sure as hell aren't going to shoot themselves in the foot.
What do you mean he debated better, he talks like a hick and has the vocabulary of a slave in the south. Notice all the hick states are red, and the decent states are blue, like New York, and Washington D.C. our capitol, voting 90% kerry, also California, and the best state... Hawaii.
Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?
From the second debate: "I own a lumber company? That's news to me. Would you like some wooood?" -Dubya
He also mentioned something about "battling green eyeliner." I never did figure that one out. And having a position doesn't necessarily mean that it's the right one.
"Omg. Where did they get the idea to not use army guys? Are they taking drugs?" --Tim Schafer on originality in videogames