know your audience Hayo, half the people here will be getting pissed on new years eve/day whatever. the other half will be going bed early because theres school in the morning, or the Fimbles.
Best Game
Tie- Jonny RPG and Titan Omega Revelations
Best Graphics in a Game
This would be a hard one; there were quite a few games with great graphics, but I'd say FISHHEAD 4 would have to be the top, followed closely by Titan Omega Revelations, Jonny RPG, and Spiderhead Beta.
Worst Game
God I hated Punchit. Really.
Best Member Avatar
Teh Circy Clause!!1! (for the discusting denture avatar)
Runner up: Chris Branch's 'Dyslexia sucks' avatar
Most Helpful Member:
Tigerworks or Chris Branch
Funniest Member
Radix (followed closely by the all-annyoing Nuklear and Billybob)
Of course, there not funny because they mean to be.
Best Admin
Circy or Shab
Most Annyoing Member
The Nuklear Bros. (Nuklear and Billybob)
Followed closely by Gudio (or whatever his name was)
I'm guessing some clicker gang hunted him down and gutted him.
Sexiest Member
I'll agree with Snerlin- Jonny Smeby's Sexy Walrus
Best Female Kliker
That girl who wrote that amusing 'How to use X and Y scrolling' article.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.