There once were twenty birdies feeling jumpy leprechauns up against a dead man's breast. He enjoyed bumsex even while yodelling on a telescope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorilla-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostitutes. Master the environment with nuklear's death celebrations bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to disappoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth deploded. Weird little aliens molested my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUGE bomb to THE PRESIDENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a loser called released a game called RandOmness Rpg that was good. Inconceivable! But not as d0pe is very allergic to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shotgun that can fly, which is ossum.
Now, everyone in irac partys
[you just said three]
There once were twenty birdies feeling jumpy leprechauns up against a dead man's breast. He enjoyed bumsex even while yodelling on a telescope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorilla-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostitutes. Master the environment with nuklear's death celebrations bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to disappoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth deploded. Weird little aliens molested my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUGE bomb to THE PRESIDENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a loser called released a game called RandOmness Rpg that was good. Inconceivable! But not as d0pe is very allergic to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shotgun that can fly, which is ossum.
Now, everyone in irac parties dances naked with
[that was 2 kitty]
Deleted User
5th February, 2006 at 22:19:54 -
There once were twenty birdies feeling jumpy leprechauns up against a dead man's breast. He enjoyed bumsex even while yodelling on a telescope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorilla-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostitutes. Master the environment with nuklear's death celebrations bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to disappoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth deploded. Weird little aliens molested my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUGE bomb to THE PRESIDENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a loser called released a game called RandOmness Rpg that was good. Inconceivable! But not as d0pe is very allergic to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shotgun that can fly, which is ossum.
Now, everyone in irac parties dances naked with noone YAY
Deleted User
5th February, 2006 at 22:42:03 -
There once were twenty birdies feeling jumpy leprechauns up against a dead man's breast. He enjoyed bumsex even while yodelling on a telescope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorilla-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostitutes. Master the environment with nuklear's death celebrations bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to disappoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth deploded. Weird little aliens molested my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUGE bomb to THE PRESIDENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a loser called released a game called RandOmness Rpg that was good. Inconceivable! But not as d0pe is very allergic to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shotgun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, everyone in iraq parties dances naked with my heffalump friend that died YAhoo
Thare once ware twinty birdeis feelnig jumpy leperchauns up against a daed man's breast. He enoyjed bumsex even while yodelling on a telsecope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorlila-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostetutes. Master the evnironment with nuklear's death celabrations bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to diasppoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth delopded. Weird little aliens moelsted my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUEG bomb to THE PRESDIENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a losser called realised a game called RandOmens Rpg that was good. Incockceivable! But not as d0pe is very allegric to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shogtun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, eveyrone in iraq parties dances naked with my hellafump friend that died YAhoo. Tomorrow we shall
By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named night,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule
From a wild clime that lieth, sublime,
Out of space
Out of time.
Deleted User
5th February, 2006 at 23:38:22 -
Thare once ware twinty birdeis feelnig jumpy leperchauns up against a daed man's breast. He enoyjed bumsex even while yodelling on a telsecope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorlila-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostetutes. Master the evnironment with nuklear's death celabrations bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to diasppoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth delopded. Weird little aliens moelsted my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUEG bomb to THE PRESDIENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a losser called realised a game called RandOmens Rpg that was good. Incockceivable! But not as d0pe is very allegric to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shogtun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, eveyrone in iraq parties dances naked with my hellafump friend that died YAhoo. Tomorrow we shall
eat grasshoppers
Thare once ware twinty birdeis feelnig jumpy leperchauns up against a daed man's breast. He enoyjed bumsex even while yodelling on a telsecope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorlila-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostetutes. Master the evniromnent with nuklear's death celabretions bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to diasppoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth delopded. Weird littel aliens moelsted my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUEG bomb to THE PRESDIENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a losser called realised a game called RandOmenss Rpg that was good. Incockceivable! But not as d0pe is very allegric to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shogtun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, eveyrone in iraq parties dances naked with my hellafump friend that died YAhoo. Tomorrow we shall
eat grasshoppers and dance upon
By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named night,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule
From a wild clime that lieth, sublime,
Out of space
Out of time.
Thare once ware twinty birdeis feelnig jumpy leperchauns up against a daed man's breast. He enoyjed bumsex even while yodelling on a telsecope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorlila-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostetutes. Master the evniromnent with nuklear's death celabretions bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to diasppoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth delopded. Weird littel aliens moelsted my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUEG bomb to THE PRESDIENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a losser called realised a game called RandOmenss Rpg that was good. Incockceivable! But not as d0pe is very allegric to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shogtun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, eveyrone in iraq parties dances naked with my hellafump friend that died YAhoo. Tomorrow we shall eat grasshoppers and dance upon the twine ball whilst jerking
Thare once ware twinty birdeis feelnig jumpy leperchauns up against a daed man's breast. He enoyjed bumsex even while yodelling on a telsecope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorlila-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostetutes. Master the evniromnent with nuklear's death celabretions bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to diasppoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth delopded. Weird littel aliens moelsted my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUEG bomb to THE PRESDIENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a losser called realised a game called RandOmenss Rpg that was good. Incockceivable! But not as d0pe is very allegric to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shogtun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, eveyrone in iraq parties dances naked with my hellafump friend that died YAhoo. Tomorrow we shall eat grasshoppers and dance upon the twine ball whilst jerking strangely shaped objects
Thare once ware twinty birdeis feelnig jumpy leperchauns up against a daed man's breast. He enoyjed bumsex even while yodelling on a telsecope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorlila-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostetutes. Master the evniromnent with nuklear's death celabretions bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to diasppoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth delopded. Weird littel aliens moelsted my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUEG bomb to THE PRESDIENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a losser called realised a game called RandOmenss Rpg that was good. Incockceivable! But not as d0pe is very allegric to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shogtun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, eveyrone in iraq parties dances naked with my hellafump friend that died YAhoo. Tomorrow we shall eat grasshoppers and dance upon the twine ball whilst jerking my meat vigorously!
By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named night,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule
From a wild clime that lieth, sublime,
Out of space
Out of time.
Thare once ware twinty birdeis feelnig jumpy leperchauns up against a daed man's breast. He enoyjed bumsex even while yodelling on a telsecope. If anyone needs some lovin' gorlila-style, come over to Walmart and roast prostetutes. Master the evniromnent with nuklear's death celabretions bolemia vomit. Wasn't that fun?
Crap on his head because we hate to diasppoint everyone with a twenty foot cock. Then, a kitty ate a horse, the sun fell to earth. The earth delopded. Weird littel aliens moelsted my aunt, played with mother, and sent a HUEG bomb to THE PRESDIENT OF iRElaND. In other news, a losser called realised a game called RandOmenss Rpg that was good. Incockceivable! But not as d0pe is very allegric to mentos. What!? Two pounds buys you a shogtun that can fly, which is ossum. Now, eveyrone in iraq parties dances naked with my hellafump friend that died YAhoo. Tomorrow we shall eat grasshoppers and dance upon the twine ball whilst jerking my meat vigorously! Ethiopians are actually