"Adam- it's more than nothing, which is what people normally get for making games. Wait... have you made any games? Why are you here?
Anyway, if what I'm offering is beneath your high standards, let somebody else win it. No need to complain about it, unless you live to complain about things that don't concern you, I guess."
Cool-it. How on this Earth, have you managed to totally flame me out of what you call a "COMPLAINT" when it OBVIOUSLY was harmless by the use of a cute and friendly-looking emoticon?
I just helped win GOTW, and Im also working on 3 large-scaled platform games currently
Also Im helping various people with games all the time, and constantly spriting.
Perhaps you should have researched a little more, and put that flame-thower down plz, mister.
I started making a game on this theme when MMF2 came out... but I simply didn't put enough time into it, and there's no way I'll finish it in time. If you look at the beginning of the thread, it looks like quite a few people decided to make a game, but judging from the most recent posts, I fear that we won't see much. Except for, maybe, shit.
Must say there's been an exceptional amount of whining at a guy who merely tries to stimulate game making. Some people seems to consider it an insult, making a game for "just $25". Quite some way to reward a man giving something for nothing. Well, I won't be winning that $25, but at least I got a few nice pointers for my game! Zombies, aliens, necromancers, robots, cowboys, ninjas and pirates - all animals! Perfect!