The extensions made by Clickteam will work in MMF2 that are in MMF1.5. All other extensions you'll have to contact the extension developers and ask them if they'd convert theirs. (Wow, how many times have I seen that question asked?)
As far as money goes, I've had the $100 for the product sitting around for quite some time, but I expect that I won't have to pay anywhere near that much since I have MMF1.5. If we find out that the discount price for MMF2 will be like... $20... $30.... or even $50, its the summer time, school should be out pretty much everywhere. Find a part time job for a couple weeks and you'll have the money in no time.
Well, working a regular full time job is better than being a kid who does nothing but sit around doing no work, living off their parents' income, and complains about how MMF is too expensive for their no-income budget... Err, wait... =P
I hope that there are a million new user sales for all the hard work that the dev team puts into click products. I really felt that I got something for my money, with great support and a great community. I could never expect a discount, not that it wouldn't be appreciated
I think the biggest fear I have with MMF2 is the fact that MooClick will not be in it, because MooClick is not designed by Clickteam, but designed by a company who has basically stopped developing MooClick. However, a good sign to this answer is that in the "What’s New in MMF2" page, near the bottom, you see the extension list.. and MooClick is in the list. So perhaps MooClick is functional in MMF2?
If anyone could give me some official answer to this and not a guess, that would be great. Thanks.
3EE let Yves have the source code to make them work in MMF2
Now its the same as the MMF 1.5 version.
With 3EE moving away from extensions and MMF its time for someone to develop a new "MOO"
I know a couple guys have been working on it but only time will tell how well it does.
The new Animation/Image editor brings up another question. Will you still be able to create "New Animations", or will you be stuck with the preset animations, and 4 extra's, like in TGF? I think having ONLY the animations you create, would make working with animations that I want, much cleaner.