I made 4 collision detectors, and put:
+"1up" press "up" and "front detector" is not overlaping "neutral" then -move front-
+"1up" press "left" and "left detector" is not overlaping "neutral" then -spin left-
...and so on...
Note: remplace -spin left- and -move front for the 360ºmovement...cos and sin thing.
And also "neutral" is a qualifier(group) consisting in all the walls and stuff that is going to block the player.
well...the problem is that the character behaves strangely when collisions something and rotates...I am sure you will know what is wrong.
What I want is that when the character collisions a wall at...lets say 35º, it continues going up, like sliding on a wall, get what I mean?
Thanks a lot....again.
Now I made 2 halfs of a elipse for the collision detector, and let the player always spin left and right, and only restricted front and back movement. It works a little better, but it stills a little ugly.
I maked a 360º top-down movement engine, the player can rotate left and right and also he can advance or go back, I dont know how to detect the collisions apropiatedly.
Could someone with experience in 360º top-down movement help me with that?.
It's a case of finding the normal, which is not something MMF really wants to do for you.
I suppose on a collision you could use fastloops to quickly position a rotating detector to find the exact point of collision, then use another rotating detector, this time centered on the first one, to determine the angle of the wall.
Wouldn't work properly on corners, but 95% of the time would probably be okay.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
17th October, 2006 at 22:03:25 -
Impossible math. Not even Jesus likes the normal.
Edited by the Author.
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