if you want the most accurate replay possible, you'd have to save the x and y co-ordinates of each active object, anything they do, anything that gets destroyed etc, and at what time it happens from when the recording starts, (save it to a temp file, perhaps) then intepret the data stored to 'recording' and play back your replay.
If you want to rewind, just use the same method, but reverse the replay to whatever point you want to go back to ^^
If you're doing a PoP:SoT style game, you'd probably need to constantly be generating a replay for rewinding, say for 5 seconds or so, and just remove older data, then when rewinding, clear the replay/rewind data from that point onwards, and start recording again.
DUDE! Have some patience! You questions will NEVER be answered in a half hour, most the time it will take DAYS, especially for something as complicated as this.
Craps, I'm an old man!
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
20th October, 2006 at 18:32:34 -
Making replays doesn't sound like fun at all. I think you'd have to track every object's X and Y position, along with animation and frame, every .02 seconds and store them in an array or something. Then go and load it... every .02 seconds during the replay. That, or have the screenshot object take pictures every .02 seconds.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
every 0.1 second save the position of the object to an ini file.
Open level and ignore controls
every 0.1 load position and set object to that.
(thats as simple as i can think of right now, you may want to take into account animations and other things,)
(random things wont work so well because it will be different.)