Firstly, I'd be completely lost without my PSP. Use it every day to play mega drive, nes, snes .etc games. Also GTA of course, and to listen to MP3 (although the volume on PSP is pretty crappy). I was also lucky as I have no dead pixels on my screen at all. Also the PSP fits in my pockets fine, doesn't weigh me down or anything. The reason I sold the DS is because it was a huge heavy brick (although they have now released a DS Lite which I think is sexy)
Regarding the next-gen battle, I think that since Nintendo actually released all these videos and promotion sites .etc of the Nintendo Wii, lots of people are beginning to get really excited about it. I wasn't a big fan of the Gamecube, so I was expecting the next-gen war to be between Sony and Microsoft. However I'm now intending to buy a Nintendo Wii because it's cheap and it's not just a power-machine type thing. If you know what I mean..
This 'war' is really only between those people who wait in line the first day of the console release to buy it. And take the UNKNOWN OUTCOME CONSOLE'S RISK or U.O.C.R.
Imagine all the people unable to wait a year or two to see virtual boy's outcome, and got stuck with the consoles with hardly any good games to buy, these guys got caught in the unknown outcome console's risk and lost.
Those are the real peoples who are going to lose this 'war' you talk about, they'll lose a lot of money to be exact, espeicaly ps3 buyers if the ps3 'loses', like many consoles have 'lost' before. You gotta be careful with the UOCR, you shouldnt even be caring about Sony or Nintendo going into bankrupt, screw them!
Fight over something senseless? You should hang out with Mensa members.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
PS3 scalpers are now losing out, systems are only going for $100 more than retail, when you take into consideration the shipping cost and eBay fees they're looking at a meagre $20 profit. Looks like the bubbles bursting for everyone now.
The PSP homebrew is going downhill with it's new firmware releases. However, the DS's homebrew is getting better and better. We've already got a pretty decent
-Sega Genesis emulator
-Super Nintendo (fullspeed with sound on many games)
-Arcade (currently 106 romsets supported)
-GameBoy Color/Mono
-Sega Master System / Game-Gear-Shit
-Homebrew games
-VNC viewer
-Aim and Msn clients that work, which are wifi based.
@My main issue with the Wii isn't just graphical splendour, but the fact that it's AI will be more limited and it will never be able to handle vast Oblivion like worlds with loads of characters on screen quite as well as it's competitors
That's a stupid thing to say. A lot. You're saying that because the console doesn't have as powerful graphics it's AI will be dumber and not as complex? No matter the machine, an AI doesn't usually take up much RAM or Processer power. Rendering sprites / polygons does. With that said, even the GBA or NES could potentially have very complex AI, with simpler graphics; a complex AI nonetheless.
The Wii isn't meant to be another mainstream console that just builds on raw power and graphics capabilities, but acutally wants to deliver something new and fun. It's like when people think they're more right by yelling louder.
"My main issue with the Wii isn't just graphical splendour, but the fact that it's AI will be more limited and it will never be able to handle vast Oblivion like worlds with loads of characters on screen quite as well as it's competitors"
Jackass of the year statement. This statement proves that you have almost 0% understanding of consoles.
Go watch the Mario Smash Football Wii trailers. See the audience? Full 3D. It's an entire crowd of 3D objects. It can handle a lot, though it remains to be seen how it could handle a crap load of AI at once.
Bibin - How on earth did you get "full screen with sound on many games"? I've tried the obvious; Mario World, Yoshis Island, Metroid and some Megaman game to have only Metroid work but with severe layer disappearing issues. Unless I'm using the wrong SNES/DS compiler (Snessie, I believe).
Games like Oblivion use really simple AI, (like move from A to B or follow)
Complex AI would be things like CPU controlled players in games like command and conquer or Bots in a FPS.