Actually I like the wii itself, it's a good console and it's worth the money and everything, but I hate all the commercials and the people that cheer for wii.
I accept that some can like the wii better than the ps3, that's completely acceptable. But saying that the ps3 SUCKS is stupid.
The only problem i see with the ps3 is the price, other than that you may be trying too hard to make the ps3 look bad. I've seen wii fans mock the ps3 because it 'looks like it's too heavy', and that when you touch it, the fingerprints show on the surface.. so it's not really that shinny.
The wii controler is nice, i actually like it. But some of the commercials just treat me like i'm dumb, and try to 'fool me' into thinking i'm going to be extremly cool with it and i'm going to play it like there's really good background music all the time. Chances are i'm going to have fun with the wii, but i'm not going to play it like i just smoked some esctacy...
So long story short, "wii" tries too hard to be cool, like the little kid who smokes to be cool, there's nothing wrong with the kid itself, he's just retarded.
The games that have re-used and recycled gameplay.
The controller that hasn't had a face lift since 1996/7.
The online system that tries too hard to imitate Xbox Live.
The way the controller has no vibrate features.
The way the controller has to be connected via USB to sync the wireless to the console.
Games have to be installed (I hear?)
The way Sony banged on about how powerful it was, yet in reality it is no more powerful than the Xbox 360.
Size (couldn't care about weight, I do care about fitting it in).
Looks. Sony's desperate attempts to copy Bang & Olsen are getting more painful to look at.
They didn't include HDMI cables in the box.
Systems price.
Crossbar menu looks lacklustre for a console.
Games at £50 *looks at 360 too*.
Poor imitation of the Wii controller functionality.
No PS1/2 memory card slots built in.
hold on... you said the Wii is a bad console because-
"...I hate all the commercials and the people that cheer for wii."
So do you hate the people playing it or the commercials? Because hey, welcome to adverts. Sony published some risqué adverts in some part of Europe, apparently racist ones. They almost had to remove some adverts from England too, talking about displaying porn on the PSP. which, incidentally absolutely ripped off the typeface and overall design of Selfridge's in-store adverts. The Wii is advertising itself to non-gamers just as the DS did. Because that is a new market the system hopes to reach.
funnier still when you start off with
"Actually I like the wii itself..."
I don't have to try hard to make the PS3 look bad. You just need to look at the reviews of the games yourself. The PS3 doesn't actually suck. It reaches its main purpose - to run games. Pity the ones out aren't really that good. magic! how many of them are already out on the 360 and have RUMBLE? hmm.
I think the tittle hurted your feelings a bit, but it was just to get your attention, i dont think the wii is a bad console. It's not like i got confused and accidentaly said i like the wii in a really bad attempt to prove it's bad.
I wont argue some of the things you said about the ps3, though, i gotta give you that, otherwise your head is going to explode with anger . I dont like any of the games listed on that review page you posted either, i hate FPS games on playstation controllers. Although the ps3 have other games, and it will get more in time.
If the Playstation 3 was only $300 all together, full package, and Sony shipped more, it would easily outsell any console. The price is the only reason people are bitching about it.
-I don't like serious games, and playstation games tend to be more serious/adult. If I want fun, I will happily revert back to my imature side and play kiddy games (lol "revert back", I revert back alot )
The price is the main issue because its not like its even special. If the WII was that price Id happily pay that much for it, because its something different.
Ps3 - too expensive, I don't trust it to not break.
X360 - slightly too expensive, most of the bugs have been worked out
Wii - Slightly over priced for what it is, Nintendo manufactures very durable consoles.
That said, I own a Wii and have been having some fun with it (I got Red Steel and Zelda). Red Steel is pretty jittery; but the whole game has a slightly rushed feel (It WAS a launch game after all). Playing FPS's with the Wii controller IS fun; though I wish the devs would give us more control over the "Bounding box" and turn speed. The crosshair likes to wig out a bit too (Before you even say it; no, it's not because of the sunlight, it's cause Red Steel is a bit buggy). Turning is annoying cause it's so slow. (I'm a Timesplitters Junkie after all).
Overall, I'm happy with my purchase; granted that cause I can play my GC games again as well (Robotech and Tales, how I missed you so!) with that slick classic controller (Slick except that the remote is clipped to the bottom of it).