Me and a friend made this little MMF-game called "The Seal Hunter". The objective of the game is to prevent the seals from reaching the right of the screen. 10 weapons, 5 levels, a few enemies and some bizarre humour included. Made in MMF 1.5, using a few extensions (most notably DirectSound and ControlX). The first version of this game was a tiny little demo my friend made where you just had one pistol and infinite seals, kinda like tetris, but it's been evolving (including 3 rewrites from scratch) since about 2003. Not the prettiest game, but hey - we're amateurs as well. It does include some pretty neat effects like slow-motion etc. but don't expect Half-life 2-quality graphics.
Screenshots and download link:
Try it out and let me know what you think
Lol, you just make games and a website on it Well.. It looks nice and that it works well, so well done on that front - I look forward to your next less offensive title
Not bad, but it seems a little unbalanced in single-player mode. Things like the penguin swarm at the end of level 2 are almost impossible. I didn't try two-player mode, so I'm assuming you haven't scaled back the difficulty, but I haven't checked. If that's the case you might want to consider some way to balance it somewhat, like perhaps increasing the power of weapons or giving the player more money for better weapons earlier (I know you get the grenades right before the penguins, but they're hard as hell to use especially with no practice). If you HAVE scaled the difficulty for single-player already, I guess I'm saying it still needs fixing. Because while it looks like it would be fun with two people, the vast majority of the time people are going to be playing alone, and it's no fun to keep dying so early.
Well actually, the game is scaled back in difficulty in single player vs. two-player. There are twice as many enemies in 2-player (almost, SP has 45% less enemies), and the level's actually a bit wider in 2p mode as well (the enemies have a couple of invisible borders that are closer together in single player. We know it's difficult but that's the point, it's supposed to be challenging.
We're making a couple of changes though, due to popular demand:
-Adding a reload button
-Making the seals on level 1 slightly weaker
I'll upload the new version as soon as we're happy with it.
Instead of posting this in the forums, you might want to consider submitting this as a download to TDC? Don't forget a decent description and working links/screenshots if you do
There's a world of difference between deer and seal hunting. This one is obviously meant to be offensive. But they're not actual seals, so chill. Unless you think kids are gonna steal daddy's grenades and look for some baby seals after playing this.
SH: Ah, right. Like I said, I didn't test 2-player to see if it was harder. My main problem was with bits like the L2 penguins, which are (a)erratic, and the player has never seen them before; (b) numerous and fast, so the player has to know exactly how to kill them in advance; and (c) far enough into the game that it's frustrating to have to do it all over again just so you can try and fail when they come until getting it right.
Deleted User
8th February, 2007 at 20:37:28 -
This is a bad idea and you are a bad person.
Cool you can edit posts...
I would like to tell you that you are evil and I hope that some day when you are asleep an earwig will get its revenge on you for promoting seal clubbing because those animalls are brothers. SHUT UP!