For a decent 3D modeler, you sure do take constructive criticism very badly... I don't think Radixes criticism was intended to be proven or make drastic changes to your model, it was him telling you something he saw in the model, regardless if it was right or not, take it or leave it, don't bitch about it.
You know, the bit I was talking about is in that image. It also makes a bunch of other mistakes pretty clear, so I've circled them for you. Because that's how nice I am.
There's nothing wrong with the model (well, besides the magazine lever being completely missing and the barrel not lining up), but it's not perfect either, so he can take this information or leave it.
I just noticed something else: the safety is too low.
Dogzer is the original. He's been in the community before phizzy even was even born, pwning n00bs with his mad trolling skills. Anyone who used #k&p (on IRC) while it was still live and running back in the day should know this. Obviously, that's way before any of you had internets.
I can't recall any post by phizzy that has made me fall out of my chair rofling, dogzer on the other hand is hilarious just like he's always been.