My current projects include catching the bus on time, finding bargains at Netto and rearranging my desk so all my bits are within easy reach of the chair, but also so that they aren't strewn around messily.
Originally Posted by Fonz Boothmanothy My current projects include catching the bus on time, finding bargains at Netto and rearranging my desk so all my bits are within easy reach of the chair, but also so that they aren't strewn around messily.
I'm actually having hundreds of projects going, but here's some newer ones:
Marks from the Past:
An ED-like platformer, with an interesting lore and stuff. I've done like 14 frames now, and it's coming really nicely.
Because I'm trying not to use custom movement, the controlling is a bit dodgy, so we'll see if this ever comes out. It should have been a rally game featuring max. 3 human players and my comic characters.
My neighbor Helmi got interested in gamemaking again so we've continued her game, called the BIRD.
All the graphics and level designs are made by her. She's 9 now.
Yea, threads seem to be better than previews. The boards get more views (seemingly) and it serves as a much more fluid way of delivering content and getting feedback as the project progresses.
Previews for when the game is almost done, threads for when it's WIP.
I actually find unique ideas quite easy but unfortunately they usually require A. Years of work and/or B. lots of programming which I have no idea how to do...