It's probably not done yet. I assume users can add/subtract to other users reputation.
Either that, or only the admins can change other peoples rep. :3
It will be another admin control thing. Although if it is, I should hope they judge the person by the TDC rules and not just use it as a way to personally attack because they rowed with them in msn
Oh, and while we are talking about new features and such;
I remember seeing a quote-function here some time ago, but then it dissapeared quite soon;
will it ever come back, or have you given up on that one idea? x3
Hey guys hang in there until we announce it on the front page soon. Adamin will be able to give you either a good rep (when you help users out, write review, being active on the forums) or a bad rep (when you break the dc rules) So how it works is, if you get a really bad rep you might end up being banned, of course if you stop breaking the rules and help people out you can go from a bad to a good rep again. Everyone will start out with a clear rep and go from there, stay tuned for more info
Also this great new feature is being programmed by the always cool: Flava and he also tought up the idea, props to flava
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