Right, we've been having so much trouble with this thing...
I've even taken out the use of any edit boxes and I'm JUST sending that one line, but nothing's happening! It all works fine without using MMF (obviously ¬_¬)!
What am I missing here? Something simple? :| Other highscore tables work, but not this one. Why?!!! MMF just isn't having any of it ;_;
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
4th November, 2007 at 01:20:56 -
If you haven't already, you might want to do some simple debugging. Make a counter and put it in the frame. In the event editor, make the event "set newcounter to 1" in the condition "Start of Frame". Run the app and make sure the counter shows 1. If it does, then move the new event down to the next condition "Upon pressing 'Enter'". Do that through your code and make sure MMF is getting to all of your code.
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
I am certainly not an expert at this kind of problems, but I would certainly hate to disconnect at the same time I need to be connected, even if it is "run this event once".
But then again, it's just me. Perhaps you should try and enlighten us of what you have tried so far.
Yeah it's a seperate mysql table, and the file it uses is specifically for that game.
Stuff like that is fine, because when you copy and paste that link it connects and goes to, in the browser, then it works fine! It's just not going from MMF to the internet!?
Hmm could you better explain what you mean please Clubby? <3 Type it out all noob-ish like and stuff? I sorta get what you mean... I think! Just wanna make sure though, thanks man
Send text line: "POST /jr_addhighscore.php HTTP/1.1"
Send text line: "Host: www.silvernova.co.uk"
Send text line: "Content-Length: 29"
Send Text line: ""
Send text line: "?name=pooface&time=300&zone=3"
Send text line: ""
To be honest, GET is probably easier to do, as POST requires you to calculate how long the data is you're sending first, with the PHP script though you'd have to use $_REQUEST["variablename"] instead of $_POST["variablename"]
Might be worth sending two blank lines and the end, some servers dont do anything with just one (due to differences with CR and LF)
If you don't want to use the GET method, you can use post, and do the following:
Send Text line "POST /jr_addhighscore.php HTTP/1.1"
Send Text Line "Host: www.silvernova.co.uk"
Send Text Line "Content-Length: " + (insert calculation here to calculate how many charactors are in your post data - 29 in this case)
Send Text Line ""
Send Text Line "?name=pooface&time=300&zone=3"
Send Text Line ""
Again, might be worth usign two blank lines intead of one to see if that makes any difference
Oh, and make sure everything in the post data variables is url encoded when you send it, eg if its a name make sure spaces are changed to %20, and so forth all none alpha-numeric characters - should just change them to a % then the hexidecimal representation of the charactors ascii code, eg "?name=poo face" would have to be "?name=poo%20face". Alternatively, just filter out all none-alphanumeric charactors instead of having to write code to convert them to their url encoded values
Use this as your packet:
POST jr_addhighscore.php
Host: Silvernova.co.uk
Content-Length: str$(len("?name=pooface&time=300&zone=3"))