Clubsoft could code something that if a topic gets deleted the admin would have to type in the reason why before the topics is deleted, that reason field will then be mailed by the original topic poster. I think that should resolve everything right then and there, to make a rule that a admin should do this wont work in practise they just can't opt not to notify anyone but to force them to do so will
I am known to sometimes delete topics in its entire instead of locking it, i try to dc mail the original poster as much as I can. But again by having a field pop-up before a topic gets deleted and having that filed send to the original poster will once and for all solve this "issue"
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i remember reading that thread. don't remember what it was exactly about but it seemed harmless. i don't see why there is more pointless crap allowed to keep going and something harmless would get deleted. i'm curious as to why it got deleted. whoever deleted it, indulge?
I am convinced the admin panel has a "lock random topic" function. They press it once a week but it's using the complete database so there's like a 0,3% chance an active thread gets randomly locked.
Originally Posted by Hayo I am convinced the admin panel has a "lock random topic" function. They press it once a week but it's using the complete database so there's like a 0,3% chance an active thread gets randomly locked.
Uh no but that's not a bad idea, thanks
And regarding the original post - I have some plans to sort it out. Just don't know when I'll get round to coding them.
Originally Posted by Hayo "Uh no but that's not a bad idea, thanks"
Then it must have been a drunk rage
I don't know - still not sure who deleted the thread.
But if I was in a drunken rage, I'd probably just delete random users and accounts rather than a simple little thread