Also GTA DS? Could be good. Hopefully they'll focus on gameplay and making it better than 4
And we know how well you're doing Nintendo, FFS ---.---
^ And hopefully some Nintendo PR people will find out what a rubbish show it was and get the higher ups to drop info about a new Zelda. A new (console) Zelda would have cleaned up E3.
Animal Crossing looks really exciting, Wii Music & Sports Resort looks ok too, I'll probably get those. Overall I'm a little dissapointed with what Ninty had to offer. Still no say on the Kirby games on Wii and DS. Thought they would have at least mentioned them, I mean they've said nothing for ages now :/
Gah they're all saying stupid things this year. Sony's "180 games coming to PS2 this year" isn't something to celebrate (especially when PS3's here can't play them!), they should be coming out for PS3! Ah well. Silly PR people.
Sony's conference was pretty dissapointing too - no real huge surprises, though the video download and rental service is pretty cool. God of War 3 trailer was nice, and MAG looked interesting. Other than that, just videos of games we already knew about or have already seen. And I agree with James, though I guess they want to milk the PS2 for every penny they can get before it dies.
Originally Posted by AndyUK Supporting the ps2 still isn't a bad thing... Quite a large amount of people still own ps2s and some ps3 owners have the 60gb model.
so why not?
The problem is. The PS3 is F...ING expensive. Look at 360 and PS3 on Amazon
360 Arcade: £149
Wii: £179 (overpriced IMO but still cheaper)
360 Premium: £189
Playstation 3: £289
A £100 difference between the PS3 and the Premium 360 model. And that still leaves you with no backwards compatibility. Drop PS2 support, and the PS2 owners will most likely move on to Wii and 360, not the PS3. So they gotta keep the PS2 owners "happy" with their console, until they can make the PS3 cheap enough to compete with the 360 and Wii, hopefully with backwards compatibility back in.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
I'd have bought my own PS3 if they had PS2 compatibility /fact
But it's silly to bang on about a system when you have a brand shiny new one out. If more PS3's were in homes and it was easier/cheaper to develop for that maybe they'd be talking about 180 new games extra for the PS3 this year instead.
Really disappointed with the lack of PSP news and updates. Okay we have LocoRoco 2 out soon, I shall love that to bits. But the system is missing out on so much. Add POP3 email support, steal DaX's idea for saving game states, announce more and better games, trophies. Give us current owners something new!
It was rather disappointing. I really like what they did show, but it wasn't enough! I had a long list of stuff I expected to see. O_o Boy was I wrong. Who knows, maybe we'll see something new before it's all over...
Ooh... IGN has a whole bunch of articles saying Miyamoto practically confirmed Pikmin Wii, Galaxy sequel, and New Super Mario Brothers 2... and a new Zelda Wii!
Naturally I think I'm more bias towards 360 because I have one, and don't have the money to get any other console. I will admit though, all 3 press conferences were disappointing, and especially Microsoft's, because they spent most of the time claiming they were appealing the casual gamers, and at the same time, bragging about how they were destroying the 360's atmosphere to appeal to just that, appeal to them.
I don't know, I mean I don't have a major problem with Microsoft in general, borrowing idea's from other companies is normal, but when Microsoft walks into a room full of one hundred dollar bills and steals a dollar bill instead, then draws a smile face on it with magic marker... I seriously can't help but to wonder what's going on in their head. If you're going to steal an idea, at least make it a good one... and try to make it at hell of a lot less obvious.
Theres nothing wrong with Sony supporting their PS2, but when they brag about how it's still doing better then PS3, something about that just feels wrong. And then they brag about how BluRay won the format war because it was "better", when in reality, it won because Sony bought it out. The HD-DVD held less space, but it was cheaper and faster. It would've won hands down if Sony didn't interfere.
All and all though, I'm looking forward to Fall Out 3 and Halo Wars.