You don't need advanced ai, simple ai would do if you let it make mistakes often enough to be beatable.
Games like Mortal kombat are almost like digital versions of Rock, scissors, paper (which is actually not the best way to program ai)
but something like, being able to hit your opponent so long as you don't use the same move over and over again should do it.
Yes, AI can be as (almost) as simple as rock paper scissors as long as it doesn't need to be unbeatable. Say for instance, the enemy can do three things, Attack, Hide, Run. You could use random number generation to determine the action, and have different chances for each thing. E.g. 0-4 is attack, 5-6 Hide 7-9 is Run. Then, if it picks attack, there's such and such chance of it doing one attack versus another, Blahdeblahdeblah.
Originally Posted by OldManClayton Yes, AI can be as (almost) as simple as rock paper scissors as long as it doesn't need to be unbeatable. Say for instance, the enemy can do three things, Attack, Hide, Run. You could use random number generation to determine the action, and have different chances for each thing. E.g. 0-4 is attack, 5-6 Hide 7-9 is Run. Then, if it picks attack, there's such and such chance of it doing one attack versus another, Blahdeblahdeblah.
I might be able to code, and may be able to do the pixel art, assuming it's only backdrops or characters that have already been drawn. I seem to have a problem drawing people from scratch.