I know plenty of klik games have been on other sites. I'd love to hear about them too! I'm not gonna name any, because there's too many of them. Timerocketxby is also on PIGScene
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Originally Posted by Bibin So guys should I make more levels to have a complete 20 for when I release HatMan+? It'll have a lot of other features and tweaks too.
do this -- another cool part about wario world was the idea of exploring the levels and finding the hidden treasures (i'm not 100% sure about this, it's been a long time). your game seems to take a couple of pages from wario land, and i think maybe introducing more explorey aspects to the game as opposed to a straight-forward linear structure might be pretty cool.
another criticism i had about the game was that the bosses seem rather static in terms of difficulty -- to beat the bosses you just do the same things over and over. maybe mix this up a bit -- maybe introduce new challenges the more you attack them? maybe make them faster? just some thoughts.
one last suggestion is if you're gonna be using retro fonts, use text blitter. having the player install a font can be tedious, and text blitter is more controlled and looks cleaner.
that said though, super joe legitimately liked the game, and the first thing he said when he played it was that it was a really, really charming game (which is more than he's ever said about any of the other games we've reviewed on the site), and his review reflects that (if you can look past the ironic stuff). keep it up, you've improved a whole lot recently and it can only get better from here.