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Crazy for News

20th January, 2009 at 00:33:32 -

Did anyone of you get really sick recently? Not the type were you feel a little sniffle but hard core hallucinating, throwing up sick.

So last night for no reason I felt kinda sick, from one moment to the next i felt like i hard to throw up. My wife told me to just watch tv maybe it was something i ate, since it just came out of the blue i started watching tv.

Within 30 min I got a headache, combined with a throwing up feelin, 1 hour later i finally threw up only to be surprised i was still feeling sick after, 2 throwing ups later and changing my poor trash can later at 4:00 am i passed out for 10 min in the bathroom hense i crawled and limbed to my bed were my wife goes to me "you know i feel kind of sick now to"

Just to say that this entire day has been horrible the kids are staying at the grandmas as me and my wife are out for real. Of course the stubborn person that I am still sitting behind the computer every 2 hours when filled with tylenol after i wake up to check the site I have not eaten anything all day and dont feel like it either, i just dont want to throw anything more up. Lol, making some tea now.

So the point of this story well nothing really but maybe you guys can share a time were you for real were knocked out cold and really sick by a bug.

And maybe any tips for me for any type of foods that i can start eating to get some of my energy back?

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Candy Cane
20th January, 2009 at 00:42:44 -

Food poisoning I bet.

I don't feel sick, but I feel pretty injured. I went ice skating today with my friend, and have two very badly bruised knee caps T_T;



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KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
20th January, 2009 at 01:16:49 -

It depends on the kind of sick, but usually saltines and sprite will do worlds of wonder.

If it's food poisoning, though, like Adam suggested, I don't know if there's much you can eat to make you feel better. There's always the standby's of OJ and hot tea too.

Hope you feel better, dude! Feeling sick is miserably awful.



Dr. James MD



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20th January, 2009 at 04:21:05 -

Whoa Rikus! I've never had it that bad!
A couple of years ago in Spain (always get sick abroad me, sensitive stomach or something ) I got really bad food poisioning where I didn't eat for 5 days and just threw everything, started shaking, couldn't sleep. Not fun at all. And for whatever reason since the thought of eating Pringles makes me feel sick , which I didn't have on holiday.
Got back home and the GP gave me loads of salt/sugar powder things for when you haven't eaten or drunk much. Horrible stuff but you might need them. I'd start back with a full diet and multivitamin suppliments to make sure you've got all them bits you need. Gatorade is VERY GOOD too for any kind of sick related thing. It's got many important salts electrolytes and such. It might help get your energy back.

And you can never go wrong with vitamin C. But that's better as a preventative, not a cure.

Edited by Dr. James MD

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


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20th January, 2009 at 04:35:51 -

"Not the type were you feel a little sniffle but hard core hallucinating"


"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"

Dr. James MD



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20th January, 2009 at 04:39:27 -

I've always wondered... Whats an hallucination like? Do you actually see people around you or is it more abstract shapes and sounds?

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


TDC is my stress ball


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Candy Cane
20th January, 2009 at 04:43:21 -

My grandma had a bad fall recently, in hospital she told me she saw a black cat walking around her feet just after the fall.



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20th January, 2009 at 04:58:06 -

Originally Posted by Dr. James
I've always wondered... Whats an hallucination like? Do you actually see people around you or is it more abstract shapes and sounds?

Depends, regular objects are misinterpreted as other objects usually.

"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"


20th January, 2009 at 05:08:12 -

Drink water in small sips, (keep away from dairy) rice, toast,
bananas and applesauce are ok to eat after
the vomiting has stopped, but seriously, I'd go
with the saltines and sprite like OMC said.
It's the best for quick results.

Get better soon!

Will work for pencils and sharpie markers.


Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho


VIP MemberCardboard BoxThe Cake is a Lie
20th January, 2009 at 05:22:37 -

"And for whatever reason since the thought of eating Pringles makes me feel sick "

Pringles is VERY bad for the health. One time when I was younger I ate some Pringles and got a Really bad stomach ache. There once was a product back in the '70s ('80s?) Called Vitamin King. They said it was really good for you; Turns out it was glazed in sugar. Yeah, sure. Vitamins... >_<

Rikus, my man! I'm sorry to hear your awful event! There's a great product that's all natural called "Thieves". There's a long story behind it. (Oh no. Here it comes...)

Back when the Black Plauge was killing thousands of people on the streets, there were four people. They invented a recipe that would prevent them from catching the disease, allowing them to freely roam around the streets- untouched by the disease.

Of course... they used this to their advantage.

They began to steal whatever they felt like stealing. The government forced them to give up the recipe or else. So they gave it up and that's how we got the recipe.

If it's a stomach ache, I'm sure it's food poisoning. If it is, Do NOT eat Dairy. (Somehow that sounds funny. )




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
20th January, 2009 at 05:53:35 -

Eh, might want to get that checked out. There's a guy who had some nasty food poisoning. Laid in bed for about 3 days, but they didn't want to send him to a clinic. Next 2 days he started getting really sick. They sent him to a hospital about a week after, where he died. Doctors said that the food he ate was contaminated with something.

Not to scare you or anything, but better get that checked out if it gets worse. But yeah, I got so sick once, I almost passed out. Got it from reusing some cooking oil left out too long.

A lot of sleep is the best cure for any illness.. body regenerates faster that way. And plain water. And I'd just oats if I was that sick, maybe some properly cooked vegetables. Don't eat anything that makes you want to throw up - if you're going to throw up that means that your body is rejecting it.

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Candy Cane
20th January, 2009 at 12:44:43 -

My brother was ill in bed for 3 days on holiday in North Carolina after eating seafood that wasn't cooked properly. A kid I knew at primary school was ill for 4 or 5 months from eating egg that wasn't cooked properly.



Crazy for News

20th January, 2009 at 13:11:36 -

Thanks for the comments guys! And the tips! Yesterday i tried eating some toast and that helped lots. Doing better this morning, still cold and feverish but did not throw up last night. Apperently when i just called into work 2 other people called in sick to, so that might be the source right there.

I'll try and start eating some more today, time for me to get some more sleep!

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KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
20th January, 2009 at 13:40:27 -

I'm not sure I've ever full-out hallucinated, but I have had weird flashy lights before my eyes when trying to sleep while sick before. O_o They drove me nuts. Kinda like when you rub your eyes too long, only they didn't stop.



Dr. James MD



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20th January, 2009 at 14:33:44 -

Originally Posted by Rikus
Thanks for the comments guys! And the tips! Yesterday i tried eating some toast and that helped lots. Doing better this morning, still cold and feverish but did not throw up last night. Apperently when i just called into work 2 other people called in sick to, so that might be the source right there.

I'll try and start eating some more today, time for me to get some more sleep!

Toast is very good. When I got back from my food poisoning holiday the first thing I properly ate was a mountain of toast, probably best if it isn't buttered (heed ωξяξW○○F's advice ). It's really easy to keep down that stuff and bread of any kind have lots of carbs and salts. Boiled rice is very good too for the similar reasons - high carb and fibre content.

Infact most rehydration salt drinks have rice powder in. And that is as horrible as it sounds.

Edited by Dr. James MD

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
20th January, 2009 at 15:25:44 -

Mate of mine had some , ahem, "questionable substances" and he hallucinated three bouncers beating him up in the corner of a club, but there was nobody there, must have been a horrible experience, he was a wreck. - Listen to my music.


Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho


VIP MemberCardboard BoxThe Cake is a Lie
20th January, 2009 at 16:53:30 -

The sickest I've ever been was when I was about 3 or 2. I had a temperature of 108°. That's all my mom told me. Thankfully I was just three so I barely remember it.



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
20th January, 2009 at 17:15:18 -

I had pneumonia when I was born. ;__; Almost died.

Ever since then the worst I've had is the flu and occasionally the effects of greasy pizza...
Or at least, I assume it was the flu. O_o There was another thing that I suppose might have been due to illness, but it felt more like I tore a muscle really bad and someone was poking it. D:

Edited by OMC



Dr. James MD



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20th January, 2009 at 17:20:43 -

Worst thing I had was a reaaally bad sore throat in Paris ... every time I leave the country. Was okay by the 2nd day back at home.
And a couple of self inflicted nerve problems from working too hard without rest. Took months to get my ulnar nerve all happy again. But that be injury not illness.

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


Megaman Fosho

20th January, 2009 at 20:54:31 -

I gots a story about this one time I got sick.

Okay I woke up with a really bad headache, but I promised my friend that I would hang out with him that day, so I had to get up when he came to my house.
Then we had to ride our bikes like 2 miles to get to this dock, where we wanted to hang out.
The WHOLE bike rode there was just up and down hills...
By the time we got there I felt like super sick. Headache, nauseous, just pretty much the stomach flu.

Well we were there for about an hour or or an hour and a half, then we decided to leave.
But I was riding "too slow" so he sped up ahead of me and just took off back home, leaving me behind.
Well maybe like 4 streets away from my house, I got super sick to the point where I was ready to just throw up, and my head ache turned into a migraine.
Then it was like I blacked out, but saw everything (It was weird)
I just fell off my bike, like my muscles stopped working .
and started throwing up on the ground.

Yeah.. It wasnt really a crazy sickness or anything, but I't makes a pretty nifty story

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20th January, 2009 at 20:57:07 -

Rikus = "pukahontus"! Get well soon


Subliminal Dreams. . ., daily gaming news and the home of Mooneyman Studios!


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Candy Cane
20th January, 2009 at 21:02:24 -

I hate those soar throats that hurt when you swallow saliva



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20th January, 2009 at 21:25:03 -

You mean the ones that feel like you've got a rock lodged in your throat when you try and swallow saliva? Agreed!


Subliminal Dreams. . ., daily gaming news and the home of Mooneyman Studios!


Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho


VIP MemberCardboard BoxThe Cake is a Lie
20th January, 2009 at 21:44:48 -

Oh yeah... Agreed. T_T



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
20th January, 2009 at 21:47:47 -

Originally Posted by Mark Radon
You mean the ones that feel like you've got a rock lodged in your throat when you try and swallow saliva? Agreed!

Ach, I hate those. Haven't had one in years, but a rock in your throat is exactly how I would put it.




Cornwall UK


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20th January, 2009 at 21:51:54 -

Bovril on toast is the *best* cure for feeling sick - guaranteed to work. If you live outside UK you probably can't get it though (I've seen it in Canada, but only as a liquid, not a spread, so obviously it's no good on toast ).

It's always peanuts that make me sick. I think maybe I'm allegic or something, but I really like them, so I eat them anyway - just if I have a lot I can't stop vomiting for a day or two


Dr. James MD



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20th January, 2009 at 22:10:57 -

If you were allergic to them you'd have died from eating lots. It's probably just an overdose of oils or salt or something.

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


TDC is my stress ball


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Candy Cane
20th January, 2009 at 22:15:53 -

Marmite is probably the closest thing to bovril, available worldwide. Bovril jars are lethal to open though. When the bovril dries out around the lid it forms tiny crystals due to the amount of salt in it, and can cut your fingers when trying to open the jar (the jars are usually quite stiff to open, too) Myself, one of my brothers and my dad all cut our fingers opening the same bovril jar over a period of 2 days



Mascot Maniac


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20th January, 2009 at 23:57:35 -

I got a nasty bruise from some Jam the other day.


Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
21st January, 2009 at 11:57:13 -

My Utterly Butterly abuses me when I sleep

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


15th February, 2009 at 06:12:11 -

Ever go to the dentist and get novacane? Well If you know the feeling its kinda like all of the cells in your body spread out so its really tingly all over cuz a warm breeze is flowin through ya- not really, but feels like it. Anyways, ever since the first time they had me on the stuff I'd get the feeling back for about ten seconds or so about once every two weeks. I have no idea why it would be in my system 5 months later so its kinda weird. It doesn't really feel bad at all but when it happens I sometimes lose control of my limbs- mostly my legs start to go limp. PLOP! And James May, the leaving the country thing is because your immune system has no ready defense against the atomic content of the foreign atmosphere. You see, each possible bacteria has a single T-cell in the body which kills it. Your B-cells will collect the bacteria and head to a special gland in the armpit to see which T-cell reacts to the germ. Once found, the T-cell will multiply and attack. However, your blood also contains traces of all of the T-cells you've used before. That way, Your body will become stronger against that germ. As a person ages, they will become stronger and stronger so that in their home location it's very rare to develop an illness. The first time you enter a new setting your body will be completely unprepared for the germs there and its almost guaranteed that you will catch a cold. What can I say, I aced biology.

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Mr G


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15th February, 2009 at 08:29:34 -

I have been struggling with kidney stone for the past 5 months, but recently I got rid of them all (I think). Does that sound hardcore?





Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberI'm on a BoatPokemon Ball!
15th February, 2009 at 11:15:47 -

I had a laporoscopic appendectomy a few months ago. Surgery takes a lot out of you :S Couldn't do anything for myself for almost a month.

And morphine was disappointing.





VIP MemberGOTM - MAY 2009 - 2ND PLACE!The SpinsterGOTM -NOVEMBER 2009 - 2nd place!2021 Time Trial by Fire competition winnerChristmas Game Creator!
15th February, 2009 at 12:19:20 -

I had something like this in mid January. Was sick from between 4 in the morning till mid day, then slept until 9 at night, messing up my sleep cycle. I was cold and achy (in a nice way, you know, waking up in bed style). Being sick wasn't the bad bit, it was the chest pains building up to them.

Don't aim for perfection- you'll miss the deadline

'~Tom~ says (16:41):
well why does the custom controls for the keyboard palyer even affect the menu controls at all whats thep oint jsutm ake it so for the keyboard palyer on the menu screens everything is always up down left right enter regardless of the controls they set'

-Mr Tom, 2010

Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
15th February, 2009 at 13:04:15 -

Originally Posted by Neuro
I had a laporoscopic appendectomy a few months ago. Surgery takes a lot out of you :S Couldn't do anything for myself for almost a month.

And morphine was disappointing.

Oh har har

I've never had the ol morphine but the girlfriend did when she fractured her neck. Said it was reet fun.

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13

The Chris Street

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15th February, 2009 at 13:29:17 -

Had the flu, I think its the first time I've ever had it actually, over a period of 2 weeks and only just gotten over it now. It was horrible!



TDC is my stress ball


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Candy Cane
15th February, 2009 at 13:32:36 -

This thread reminds me of when old aged pensioners fight it out to see who's the worst off, then the winner looks happy because they're on death's door and the others aren't.



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16th February, 2009 at 22:30:10 -

A few years ago I had a horrible flu. When I tried sleeping, I get the feeling of throwing up...and I did. I found out for some reason that i couldn't eat, drink, or sleep at all that night because I'd just throw up. I keep throwing up water that I was drinking because I was really thirsty. During that night I threw up ten times!




VIP MemberThe Cake is a LieIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerPokemon Ball!
17th February, 2009 at 10:46:34 -

When I was about 3 or 4 i had a fever. I saw things that weren't there. Everywhere around my bed were weird animals and strange eskimo kinda people. It was extremely freaky. I also saw things flying around near the ceiling. I pretty much just crept under my duvet. Was a very ... memorable experience

Also, when i was about 13 i started getting regular throat operations (about 10 total) because the tube in my throat where food passes through when i eat was twisted and narrow for some reason. The first time I had the operation it hurt to breathe for 2 days.

Also at one time when i had one of the operations, they apparently tore a tiny hole in my throat which made me puke up blood. Also, you guys know the feeling you get if you repeatedly poke the same place on your skin - the feeling of irritation in the skin? My whole body had that feeling for a day. I'd rather have pain than than feeling


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