Posted By
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 377
16th May, 2009 at 20:01:10 -
I'm using the background system object for parallaxing and while I'm satisfied with it I'm also using a screen shaker, which just messes up the parallaxing so it looks jerkier rather than smooth. I'm guessing it's because two seperate objects, the player and the screen shaker, are both being scrolled on, switching from the player to the screen shaker via a flag, or vice versa.
Is there a fix for this?
An old and washed up once-kid
Ricky loves Left For Dead 2
Registered 28/12/2006
Points 4075
16th May, 2009 at 20:11:34 -
stop using extensions maybe?
OMC What a goofball
Registered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
16th May, 2009 at 20:25:21 -
I make my own screen shaker. Make the playfield slightly larger than the app window, and set the X scrolling center to: 320 - 10 + Random(20) where 320 is half of the playfield size. Then do that for Y.
Dunno if that'll solve the problem, but you don't need no stinking screen shaker extension.
Ricky loves Left For Dead 2
Registered 28/12/2006
Points 4075
16th May, 2009 at 20:28:21 -
Here's an example from one of my games -open source
Edited by Ricky
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 377
16th May, 2009 at 20:56:33 -
Thanks for the help, but the screen shaker is a widget, and *shock horror* I don't use layers.
I just need to figure out how to get both scrolling events, widget and player, to co-operate so it won't screw up the Background system box's parallaxing and make it choppy.
Edit: Forgot a period.
Edited by W3R3W00F
An old and washed up once-kid
Codemonkey Always Serious
Registered 06/11/2007
Points 164
16th May, 2009 at 21:00:27 -
Theres a screen shaker extension?
You can log off any time you like, but you can't ever leave.
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 377
16th May, 2009 at 21:10:49 -
Is there? All I found was a Widget.
An old and washed up once-kid
Silveraura God's God
Registered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
16th May, 2009 at 21:49:11 -
Layers are a saint in MMF2. If your PC is slow enough that you find the disadvantages to layers to be harmful to your project... upgrade. Layers are great, and if it should ever come between using layers and extensions, I pity the fool who chooses extensions, especially third party.
Ricky loves Left For Dead 2
Registered 28/12/2006
Points 4075
16th May, 2009 at 22:30:08 -
There was a game here with paralxing layers that ran just fine on my mom's 333Mhz celleron machine. So Brandon is right, you're computer is way too old if it can't handle layers.
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 377
16th May, 2009 at 22:33:19 -
It CAN handle layers, I just never really got around to experimenting with them or discovering their full potential. Sounds like there more than helpful though.
An old and washed up once-kid
Silveraura God's God
Registered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
16th May, 2009 at 22:42:58 -
You place objects into a layer and you change the layer co-efficient to change it's position in ratio to the 1 to 1 ratio (actual location), and with the Layers Object which is included in MMF2, you can edit pretty much any of the options in layers, at runtime. They're very simple, which is how some of the worlds best tools are. Few people get too far in complex projects with complex tools. It's all about a wide tool belt of simple tools.
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 377
16th May, 2009 at 22:50:32 -
Hmm... Sounds pretty awesome. I'll have to experiment with em sometime.
An old and washed up once-kid
Pixelthief Dedicated klik scientist
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 3419
16th May, 2009 at 23:39:07 -
My current engine will die the instant I add in a 'secondary' layer
it will drop from a great 50 FPS on most machines to sad little 30-40 fps
The only way I've figured out to do a parallax layer (which has a loadable image) is the Background Images Object, which doesn't quite work in HWA yet (greyhill says he won't fix the issue with pattern until after HWA is *official*)
Gridquest V2.00 is out!!
Pixelthief Dedicated klik scientist
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 3419
16th May, 2009 at 23:40:40 -
My current engine will die the instant I add in a 'secondary' layer
it will drop from a great 50 FPS on most machines to sad little 30-40 fps
The only way I've figured out to do a parallax layer (which has a loadable image) is the Background Images Object, which doesn't quite work in HWA yet (greyhill says he won't fix the issue with pattern until after HWA is *official*)
Gridquest V2.00 is out!!
Ricky loves Left For Dead 2
Registered 28/12/2006
Points 4075
16th May, 2009 at 23:48:20 -
Use active picture, then after the frame starts say, add backrdop, then destroy it.