O.K. I'll defend it. You want to take away my right to defend myself becuase some idiot kid killed himself? Making guns illegal means only people who break the law can own a gun. People die for lots of reasons, it's too bad, but it happens. Banning guns would be a huge over reaction.
Yeah, you said he was 15 right? So his parents should have taught him all about how to safely use it by then. And if it was intentional, there are plenty of ways to commit suicide without a gun. Jumping into traffic for example.
Originally Posted by -Adam- Wow, what simple little minds.
Nope. Shooting yourself in the head is a bad thing, fatal even. And when i was 15 i knew not to play with other people's guns (my dad had about 7 i think) even though i knew where to get at them, and i never shot myself in the head on purpose or accidently, not once.
How come if i say something like i did i have a small mind (like an idiot), but shooting myself in the head wouldn't make me an idiot? I don't get that logic...
Lets not start throwing insults around lads. Or I will stamp on all your toys (Qoute from Gene Hunt!) haha
It is sad, and he could have killed himself a million other ways (are we going to ban bridges, railway lines etc?) but I would not call him an idiot. Seems a bit disrecptful to the guy, and the horror his family must be going through...
Originally Posted by Ricky Garces It wasn't tactful, but it was true. And in a debate, that's all that matters.
No, it's not true. Jumping into traffic will more than likely cause accidents and grief for others on the road. Hence why you're clearly not actually thinking about anything you say.