I remember reading in an interview that MS was going to bump the release of N+ and the only reason it was still released on the set date was that the developers had made a huge launch party the week before.
I also remember Sony bumping the release of the Titan pack for Unreal Tournament 3 several times.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Originally Posted by Eternal Man [EE] Duke Nukem Forever
At least those are (mainly) new games, so it's kind of forgivable if they're delayed. The thing that annoys me about Cave Story Wii is that the main reason for the delay is obvious - DLC. Seriously, I would have happily paid 1000 points to play the original game through a console on my TV.
Maybe we'll see it this weekend. Unless Nintendo have some crappy fireworks games planned instead.
"We’ll have an update on Cave Story and its status next week. The game was resubmitted on Friday. Time to go play some La-Mulana on the Wii."
I wonder if Nicalis screwed something up? If next week's update is lacking any real information but instead full of "OMG Cave Story is nearly ready gyys!" then I'll assume so.
That's great. And honestly, I'd rather play the original Cave Story on a portable device too. When I get the Wii version I'll probably leave off the "improved" features.
I've heard from an anonymous source on the internet who has sketchy information and grand assumptions that it might be coming out on Monday! Get excited!