The rest is not too bad, but the font looks kinda.. cheap. Maybe if you did a rectangular outline instead of wrapping the box around the text. And the barcode is out of place. People usually stick those barcodes where others don't see them, you made the text wrap around it.
The people don't really look like they mingle with each other. You got the photo manipulation to the point where there's no artifacts or anything around the images, but the people still appear random; they don't mingle well. You should've just put the girl and that guy with the shiny purple thing, instead of all those people looking in random directions. If you wanted to get more complex, make them appear to be doing things, instead of staring randomly.
Also, I would've taken an actual scene from an actual movie with a similar theme (but less popular, not Avatar or Pan's Labyrinth) and stick it up behind there like they do in DVD covers.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Yea, all of my DVDs have bar codes in the top right. I wonder what else differs. The things missing from the back have already been mentioned (primarily names), but since it's not a real movie...
The work is good, but I wouldn't pick it up off the shelf.
I'd like to see a real movie cover from you! I think, given better assets, it would be more complete.
The rating is more prominent on your version, which is good.
I've often been irritated by not being able to find the rating on a DVD because there's only one tiny mention of it and it's often hidden behind a library or rental store sticker.
Although the UK is not far off , forget its problems we have Fish & Chips, Black Pudding, Pork Pies, DVD barcodes in a sane place, we drive on the left, and to top it off we have Pork Scratchings.
Originally Posted by -Adam- God knows why you take it as a personal attack, Brandon. Stop being such a dramatic, aggressive little queen for once in your TDC driven life.
Okay, you're right Adam. I took it as a personal attack. Thank you for showing me the errors of my way. You're the little punk who walks around like his pants are too tight. But I'm in the wrong, okay. Whatever, get a life... asshole.
You target me like a heat seeking missile for God knows what reason, so excuse me for having an immediate reason of disgust for anything you have to say to me when I know for a fact, no matter how mild, you wouldn't have said it to anyone else. Your complete and out right immature attitude toward me entering Gwerdy is a perfect example of this childish personality of yours. Grow up.
But then again, I don't know what the point in saying anything more to you is, because it's been how many years now and you've always found some whine to support your absurd claims and no one ever comes to your offense because you're a little ass kiss and know enough people off the site in MSN and anytime anyone came to my defense, you never said a word the rest of the forum. I know you Adam, you're a punk. The kind of punk everyone secretly hated in high school. So grow up and start acting like the adult your profile supposedly says you are.
Im targetting you? Even though you blatantly just took offense to a perfectly reasonable observation regarding a DVD cover that you didn't even post? Ironically everything you just took your afternoon typing describes yourself. Oh, and calling a Brit a punk is pretty much as the same as calling an American a wanker. It has little impact. Go figure.