Posted By
Duncan Thelonious Dunc
Registered 18/05/2002
Points 552
7th July, 2011 at 15:41:05 -
I'm just talking about Doom and Duke, Hags. You wouldn't catch me going back to keyboard-only controls, but they're still not precision shooters by any stretch of the imagination. Claiming legitimate controller issues is cutting 3DRealms way too much slack - the problem is that they made the game into something none of us wanted
Registered 06/06/2006
Points 865
8th July, 2011 at 00:11:01 -
The original Doom did have mouse aiming, but it was horizontal only.
DNF isn't as bad as you guys are saying it is. At first I wanted to go online and start bashing it after playing the first few stages, but I thought I'd wait until I'd finish the game before "reviewing". It gets a lot better, and more fun. Definitely my favourite game of the decade, so far.
Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.
s-m-r Slow-Motion Riot
Registered 04/06/2006
Points 1078
11th July, 2011 at 13:35:53 -
Ouch. Although it was posted almost a month ago, I saw this today and wanted to draw everyone's attention to it.
Duke Nukem's PR threatens to punish sites that run negative reviews
The Ars Technica review of DNF is quite unflattering, to boot.
Duke Nukem Forever: barely playable, not funny, rampantly offensive
There is no reason for me to even consider purchasing this game.