And I think funny spam is okay, as long as its well intentioned. Its just often a sign to me of what kind of place this is. But it can still be used for good.
Originally Posted by Phredreeke You should have seen this forum in its prime.
Was it a good thing or a bad thing, are you saying?
I just want to make sure people are nice, regardless of how active it is.
Heh, I don't know if it was worse or better. There was more bullying no doubt, but the higher activity was more fun. When a community nears the end of its lifespan, all you have left are the people who are too stubborn to leave and the people who have nowhere to go. It turns into either a troll hell that destroys what little is left, or some reclusive retirement home.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Well, if there was a lot of bullying, weren't the bullies just banned? It kinda sounds to me like maybe it was tolerated a little. It should never be tolerated, even from regular, popular members. popularity doesnt make you a good person. and bad people on a forum make it a bad forum.
The problem is drawing a line between playful teasing and bullying. If a popular user makes some snide comments, should they be treated the same as a brand new user that has done nothing but troll? I would say no.
Have you even been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
If its just one time, maybe they didnt even mean to offend, then yeah, forgive their mistake. But if someone continues to make sarcastic remarks in a way that is hurtful and doesnt stop.... then they should be kicked to the curb even if they are popular, right?
The thing is that on Game Maker forums, I have been REPEATEDLY bullied by popular users, and nothing was done about it! They claimed it was playful teasing, but it wasnt, because I told them I didnt like it and I asked them to stop numerous times, but they didnt. They said mean things about my games and claimed it was constructive critisism. They called me really hurtful names, and one of them even found my phone number, and called me. They recorded the conversation against my will, stole a personal photo of me from my mom's website (then claimed what they did wasnt stealing), and uploaded it to But those members still continued to be considered "respected" members of the community. Though "popular kid" fits the idea better, because they weren't respectFUL! They were just Massie Block, who is mean but everyone wants to be friends with her because she is so cool.
The admins of those forums were also among the bullies themselves. They abused their mod powers in order to mock me in my own posts by editing them. I'm talking about, I really hope this forum is much better than that.
This experience has made me sensitive, I hope it doesnt sound like I am judging or accusing this community of being something that it is not.
What you mention is terrible. I've never seen it happen in the years I've been here. Even the TK fora guys were mild compared the people you mention. I'm sure that will not happen here, don't worry
Now the real problem is when you got an unrelated member "playing hero"
Person A says something at person B's expense, person B doesn't mind because s/he knows it's just joking around. Person C on the other hand intervenes, not because s/he him/herself is offended, but rather as s/he views everyone else as delicate flowers who are unable to fend for themselves.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Part of what makes it hard for me, is that I love sticking up for people against things that I think are wrong. And I also have trouble picking up on jokes sometimes.
Well I think its wrong to be mean, even to him. but if by "bash him" you simply mean being honest and pointing out that he is mean and a troll, then yeah, go right ahead. honesty is good. I kinda wish they would just ban him though, I think his posts kinda disturb the peace.