Posted By
 Knockturnal Nothing to see here turn back
Registered 11/04/2008
Points 354
27th January, 2020 at 27/01/2020 23:25:13 -
I first started making games when my dad got me The Games Factory, in what I assume must have been 2004, or even earlier. That means I've been making games for at least 16 years!
In the early days I found a home on a site called Martin2k. It was small, but you knew everyone in the community. Later I migrated to TDC. The standard here was much higher, and the community larger and more serious. M2K is now dead, which I guess is what motivated me to come here and post this. If this site too was gone tomorrow I would feel like I left something unsaid. I guess this is a postmortem, or a pre-mortem in a way.
TDC was immensely important in my development and definitively formative for my taste in games. I am now a full-time indie developer even though I've long since left the Clickteam products behind me. Going through my old posts and messages here has reminded me of friendships lost which were long forgotten, and also how much of a stupid kid I was as a stupid kid. (I might still be stupid though, but at the very least not a kid).
I've played so many weird and wonderful games with this community up through the late 2000's and very early 2010's, and would like to extend a small thank you to the community. I don't know where you all are know (with the exception of 3Kliks whom is enjoying success on YouTube), but I hope you are that much closer to achieving your goals.
PS: I went by many different equally stupid names back in the day; Cokeman, Coca-Cola man, Osprey Harrierkite and probably a ton others, so we might have interacted even if you don't recognize my name.
Professional vaporware developer
Registered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
28th January, 2020 at 28/01/2020 20:41:57 -
Cool post.
I also attribute my occupation as a software developer to this site.
It was a great time with a lot of cool people.
Shame I missed out on martin2k. I've never heard of it till now.
I dug through to see a snapshot. Looks like it was a pretty good site:
EDIT: I'm curious what games you've released as an indie dev now.
Edited by UrbanMonk
 Joshtek Administrator
The Archivist
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 4059
30th January, 2020 at 30/01/2020 17:39:34 -
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I am aware of Martin2k but was never part of that community.
I've been following The Daily Click for a long time. I registered on the new site on the 2nd of January 2002 (hence my user ID of 142), but before that followed the HTML version of the site and indeed the AP-Zone.
Being part of the Click communities, including TDC, has long been part of my life and I have lots of fond memories of playing games here, taking part in chats, etc. I still remember how happy I was when I won a GOTW at TDC.
The other communities I was involved in included:
* The official Clickteam forum
* Code-It, which was a forum hosted by Vincent Paglione where people talked about Klik and generally hung out (a lot of people on there also chatted on AIM, and some of us were part of the same Klik game groups like Darkrain)
* SmileyHouse, hanging out with other people who played that Klik-based MMORPG (which is now available to play again at !)
* Tank Wars Online - As with SmileyHouse, quite a lot of the people who played TWO (and posted on the forums) were Klikkers
* #K&P - The IRC-based chat room
Edited by an Administrator
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
 Sketchy Cornwall UK
Registered 06/11/2004
Points 2072
30th January, 2020 at 30/01/2020 19:55:12 -
I started with Klik & Play, some time around 1995, but it wasn't until a decade or so later that I joined TDC (mainly due to a lack of internet access). I joined the Clickteam forums around the same time, but was never very active to begin with - only becoming a more frequent visitor as TDC started to go quiet (going by the username "MuddyMole"). These days I mostly just lurk in the devlogs section of the Tigsource forums (no account yet), but I check back every now and again.
I'm gradually moving away from Clickteam products now, but still enjoy game development as a hobby (not a profession). I've created my own HTML5/WebGL2 game engine, with the intention of using it to make small roguelike and turn-based tactics games.
Funnily enough though, I always liked creating examples and writing articles more than making actual games. I've often thought of writing new articles, but it feels like this site is no longer active enough to make it worth the effort, which is a shame.
At some point, I may start my own blog, with articles about various aspects of game design and development, but also demonstrating how they are handled in the specific project I'm working on - like a combined devlog and tutorial.
 BigAl0104 Crazy?
Registered 21/04/2018 19:13:09
Points 5940
31st January, 2020 at 31/01/2020 18:16:34 -
It's been great being part of this community so far since I started back in mid-2018.
My site:
My GameJolt account:
My page:
My Newgrounds page:
My YouTube channel:
My Discord server:
Be happy with yourself, and get jiggy with it!
 Knockturnal Nothing to see here turn back
Registered 11/04/2008
Points 354
31st January, 2020 at 31/01/2020 20:15:51 -
Thanks for the replies guys, it wasn't quite as dead here as I'd expect clicking through the forums.
First of all to elaborate a little bit: Assuming that it's dead for good and not just temporarily; Martin2k was a mostly British (even though I'm not), and very young age (mostly underage at the time) community. It wasn't very serious - I could probably count the number of actual game creators with finished projects on one hand. It just happened to be what I found first, and while I lurked here a lot in the early years I was more intimidated to post.
UrbanMonk: Thanks! I'd be interested to reconnect with anyone making games still, maybe exchange Twitters and stuff.
As for what I've worked on - nothing that has been published yet! I'm actually just a year and a bit out of college. I've made a prototype for a game to promote rural tourism with a business contact in Japan, but the project lacked funding and is on hold. Furthermore I'm making a mobile game (yay, right) which has been given a government grant and will be out sometime this year, and I'm working on a local multiplayer brawler game with a colleague which we will hopefully bring to Nintendo Switch in a while - we're currently touring it on minor local conventions and game award shows. I'd be more than happy to update you when the time comes!
Joshtek: I wish I won a GOTW. You know, if there is anything I learned from my years with Clickteam products it is this: just finish something dammit! You can't win if you don't participate! Obviously I also lurked around the Clickteam forum, but to me it felt more oriented around tech support and had less room for idle banter and (importantly) weird and wonderful games!
Sketchy: I've used your examples back in the day! Thank you for making them You know, I'm pretty obsessed with reading these kinds of blog posts - mostly on shaders or C# tricks. I love one that's called CatlikeCoding.
BigAl: Hey there! You joined long after I stopped frequenting this place, but welcome! (Or welcome back to me)
Professional vaporware developer
 Sketchy Cornwall UK
Registered 06/11/2004
Points 2072
2nd February, 2020 at 02/02/2020 23:34:13 -
I get the feeling there are probably still quite a lot of people who check back every now and again, just to see if anything's been happening, but it's not really anyone's go-to place to post their news or ask questions etc any more.
Yep, I love a good devlog / post-mortem / deconstruction blog post or tutorial. I'm a bit over shaders right now - but making my WebGL2 based game engine taught me a LOT about shaders and the whole graphics pipeline. is one blog that I really love and keep going back to, as it mostly deals with relatively complex problems (procedural generation, pathfinding, etc) in tile-based games - which is exactly the kind of programming I enjoy!
Registered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
3rd February, 2020 at 03/02/2020 18:53:16 -
Originally Posted by Knockturnal UrbanMonk: Thanks! I'd be interested to reconnect with anyone making games still, maybe exchange Twitters and stuff.
Clayton (another member here) and I are still making things.
We made a game called Splotches using Clickteam Fusion and released it for iOS and PC.
His site is here:
We're working on bringing Splotches to the Nintendo switch next. Almost done with that.
After we finish that I'm not sure what'll be next.
And I can be reached via the email in my profile:
 Rikus Administrator
Crazy for News
Registered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
4th February, 2020 at 04/02/2020 08:45:22 -
Great post Knockturnal, it still brings me joy to read up on how everyone is doing, i am glad tdc played a part of so many peoples lives . tdc was such a big part of my life and i learned so much from it. And yes i am still here also lurking in the shadows every now and then, and i am so grateful to Josh also that he has been keeping up with the front page and putting new games on there.
Also check out this 2002 front page snapshot
Edited by an Administrator
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
 Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
5th February, 2020 at 05/02/2020 00:14:54 -
I haven't visited for a long time but I thought I'd check-in. I'm so happy to see that things are still ticking along. It is nostalgic now to see some old names and old posts. I was hanging around here when I was 12, and I can also see a bunch of silly posts I made as a kid.
I even remember all the avatars and names. Sketchy's cool dog avatar brings back a lot.
I think I must have joined about 5 teams to work on game together. I always remember how much enthusiasm there was for starting new things and making things together. At one point I remember working on something as part of "CCSoft" as well as many other group names.
I can't believe how much stuff we all made. It seems like people were pretty quick to make things and share.
I definitely learned a lot from this website and it gave me a big jump start to my career in game development. It seems like I'm in the boat with a lot of people on moving on from Clickteam products (unfortunately in some ways!). I mostly use Unity now for making games, but there was something really incredible about the speed that MMF2 let you make stuff.
Hopefully there's a few more of the old guard lurking around somewhere
Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.
Registered 26/08/2017 19:47:58
Points 452
9th February, 2020 at 09/02/2020 18:35:39 -
Greetings! Heads up for the classic treat;
I've been here on TDC ever since I was a curious toddler, waddling and sailing for cool games to play on my mid-absent PC. It was Martin2k that taught me something valuable, and TDC that led me achieve it.
To my regards, all klik games here were a wow factor back in the days, but none other were the top of the mountain than Hill Gigas' fundamental projects. His bound criteria of endless creativity is what kept me hyped for attention and idea factory, which means that most of his games posted were my personal favorites imao.
To no avail, I couldn't have found the ones that are currently missing, leading towards deep confusion and incarnation of slow, indexed feelings.
But as much as I dream and dream and dream, all shall approach me soon. Daily Click has been a good activity fold host within these years, and I really hope it will somehow come back to being so somehow yet again.
(BTW, my account was lost ever since 2015, so that's why this one is made in 2017. To prevail further advantage)
Edited by Ambrion
Self taught artist | DAWS amateur | Loves JRPGs and retro videogames | Fan of ScottGames
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Strike a smile and never run a sad mile
Enjoy life while you still can
 AndyUK Mascot Maniac
Registered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
12th February, 2020 at 12/02/2020 05:50:46 -
I still pop in every now and then and I still open up Fusion 2.5 and mess about with some stuff.
Martin2k sounds familiar, wasn't It also a website with hundreds of example files?
Registered 26/08/2017 19:47:58
Points 452
12th February, 2020 at 12/02/2020 09:40:39 -
Originally Posted by AndyUK I still pop in every now and then and I still open up Fusion 2.5 and mess about with some stuff.
Martin2k sounds familiar, wasn't It also a website with hundreds of example files?
Feels like it was, but I can't exactly remember. It was ages ago haha
Self taught artist | DAWS amateur | Loves JRPGs and retro videogames | Fan of ScottGames
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Personal enquiries:
Strike a smile and never run a sad mile
Enjoy life while you still can
 Hagar Administrator
Old klik fart
Registered 20/02/2002
Points 1692

12th February, 2020 at 12/02/2020 14:52:29 -
I loved the old days, the internet felt more like a community back then. Globalisation of our communication (facebook etc) has really decimated the older community sites and forums.
I started clicking after getting a copy of TGF from Toys R Us. After that, I hung out on with the likes of Hayo, HoogHaar, Rycon, Ashman, Tomatoman etc. Despite being crap at clicking back then, I had a lot of fun on The owner of the site then decided he would try to sell it and it got shut down. I then moved over to TDC and carried on being crap at clicking until around 2012 or so, when getting a real job and getting married caused a loss in the amount of free time I had.
Recently, I work on electronics, model making and race remote control cars in my spare time. Gaming and game creation does not appeal to me as it used to. It is now a rare occurance that I play video games, has this happened to others?
Still thankful and nostalgic for my time on iklik-it and TDC.
Registered 26/08/2017 19:47:58
Points 452
12th February, 2020 at 12/02/2020 20:08:43 -
Originally Posted by Hagar I loved the old days, the internet felt more like a community back then. Globalisation of our communication (facebook etc) has really decimated the older community sites and forums.
I started clicking after getting a copy of TGF from Toys R Us. After that, I hung out on with the likes of Hayo, HoogHaar, Rycon, Ashman, Tomatoman etc. Despite being crap at clicking back then, I had a lot of fun on The owner of the site then decided he would try to sell it and it got shut down. I then moved over to TDC and carried on being crap at clicking until around 2012 or so, when getting a real job and getting married caused a loss in the amount of free time I had.
Recently, I work on electronics, model making and race remote control cars in my spare time. Gaming and game creation does not appeal to me as it used to. It is now a rare occurance that I play video games, has this happened to others?
Still thankful and nostalgic for my time on iklik-it and TDC.
Facebook nowadays is full of trash in regards of stealing user data. Whether it be a regular blog, image, or just a personal video all depends on sufficiency behind the trespassing
Self taught artist | DAWS amateur | Loves JRPGs and retro videogames | Fan of ScottGames
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Personal enquiries:
Strike a smile and never run a sad mile
Enjoy life while you still can