Let me just say that Pete wasn't around before TDC, he didn't see the rise of TKv1, the great writing done by david blackwell in TKv2, he never knew the joy of chosing your favorite color on TFGF and never had a chance to make fun of the original Klik News (not the really crap one that came out late last year). So therefore Pete has no earthly idea of the potential of klik community sites that limit reviews to people who can actually write, ignore bad submittions, and write opinionated and straight to the point news articles free of quotations. So Pete, you see klik-me and complain that it's not the same formula as TDC and therefore it won't work. Your ignorance and stubbornness to accept change will be what keeps you from ever leaving the pages of the daily click. It will be your stubbornness that keeps you from accepting criticism and ultimately it will be your stubbornness (and maybe uglyness) that keeps you from ever getting a date.
that was fun, i'm done now.
Edited by the Author.
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
14th February, 2004 at 06:00:44 -
now wait a fucking second. maybe you should read EVERYTHING i've written, brad, before you start off on another one of your rants. i never said it WON'T work as it's not the same as DC, i said i don't believe it's working currently, and i also said that the reviews etc are good, and the behaviour of some of the users is what i find hard to accept (which, i later admitted, if you READ, was probably unfounded)
it will be my stubborness that prevents me from accepting criticism? where the hell did that come from? i will readily accept any form of constructive criticism, as anyone who knows me will tell you, and not once have i even mentioned criticism in this post. christ almighty would you please READ what i've written, and when you've done that, write a reply that focuses on what i have actually written, not what your arrogant mind thinks i've written. thank you.