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20th March, 2004 at 14:05:28 -

DEC, it is true Iraq is not the worst country ... however there are 2 things you should think about.

1. We have to start somewhere. It is a mere fact, we cannot hit em all at once. Now, as a beginning Iraq was chosen. The people of Iraq has a right to be free as much as other people in other countries. You may not think so, but Iraq was once a prosperous nation before Saddam took the power. It was THE economical and trade center of the Middle East. So, setting Iraq as a good example could prove to have tremendous influence in all of the Middle East.

2. We can only remove the government and guide the people to build a better country. Nothing more. With that in mind almost any African country is useless. The problems in African countries are not just the governments but also the people itself. This does not mean we should not help. Far from it. We created the problems after all. Why? When Africa was still untouched the main part of Africa consisted of tribes who lived in small villages. These tribes fighted each other as they had done in hundreds even thousands of years. This what not really the problem. No colonization was the problem. When western countries (even Denmark) colonized Africa that problems began. Take Great Britain. They invaded an area an claimed it to be theirs giving it a name. Germany invated another, France an area etc. The problems is. The invaders created countries out the areas they took, but this could easily mean a tribe was suddenly split. One part lived in one country and the other part in another. And tribes who used to fight each other were suddenly people of the same country. During the late 1880's and up to world war II countries pulled out of their colonies making them independent countries. However how could tribes who shared nothing but the hatred to each other coexist in a country? The answer: They couldnt. Thats why many African countries are plagued by civil wars and corrupt governments that only support their own tribe.

The bottomline is: We cannot save the world. We can only help the world save itself. The people in a country must be ready to help themselves before we can (help them).

If you knew, I would have to kill you...

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

20th March, 2004 at 14:27:46 -

DEC, i was referring to the british government (don't know if that was conveyed or not).



20th March, 2004 at 16:05:37 -

Technically, being a racist isn't against the rules as long as you don't say anything racist. And besides, who are you referring to? o_O


Mr Coffee

20th March, 2004 at 18:00:46 -

Dec Stuff...... He voted for the war. Anyone can turn around and say "well they did not do it the way I wanted them to so that does not count". Thats fine if he voted for it and all, but its really stupid to criticize Bush for the war when he (Kerry) voted for it. But thats not the only thing he has suddenly changed his mind on, and it probably won't be the last.

Your other point is pretty absurd. If the USA had attacked Iran you would say "why did they not attack Iraq?". Do you see what I am saying? Of course the main reason the USA attacked Iraq was to protect it's interests but it's also trying to make life better for the people of Iraq.

99 percent chance that the above post is 100 percent correct.


Does he even go here


VIP Member
20th March, 2004 at 20:21:32 -

I'm sure i've said this before mister coffee but you are right. It is sort of a case of the means justifying the end.

Oh an Jigen, if I said "I hate finland, and everyone there is stupid and fat." That would be racist, right? I'm not even american, but I just find your comments racist.





Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member
20th March, 2004 at 20:26:09 -

"ur only allowed to make fun of white people, nerd, and americans... jump on the bandwagon u guyz! "

That's geek discrimination!


DEC Stuff

20th March, 2004 at 22:14:00 -

" DEC, i was referring to the british government (don't know if that was conveyed or not)."

Yeah I understood that. I kinda got off on the wrong foot. I know the people of your nation didnt' want to while the gov't did.

"We have to start somewhere...,...It (was) <--Keyword, THE economical and trade center of the Middle East"

-Yep, after we have the support of everyone. Not 120,000 americans and a few thousand others. I think it's acceptable to invade Iraq, but we should've waited. And now that were there, were sucked into a cycle of starting the govt, terrorist attacks, and other crap.

Lets get one thing straight, Im for eliminating terrorism, so no one can call me unpatriotic. It's just that I have a different approach. And it starts here, at home. Like I said, how about ousting the KKK problem and maybe some barriers around are nuclear powerplants and most treasured buildings? Or maybe some more security? It doesn't happen on just planes guys. These guys are very open minded about how to go about killing someone.

"We can only remove the government and guide the people to build a better country...., ...With that in mind almost any African country is useless."

Thats crap. It takes leadership to pull a country together. Without leaders, you have nothing.
Think about Iraq. It is very diverse especially in terms of religion. There are all kinds of fighting clans and religions. Yet we are pulling them together, aren't we? Were using there leaders. I can't say africa isn't a mess. It's the biggest mess on this planet. But it needs help and all we do(as americans) is throw some food in a basket at Christman time pat our selves on the back and realize how great we are for helping to solve the problem. We don't solve shit that way.

"If the USA had attacked Iran you would say "why did they not attack Iraq?"."

-I do see what your saying. I don't think I would say that though if we had waited it out with the U.N., I wouldn't of agreed with a war in Iran either if we just rushed in overnight.

Is there anyone who can sit there and tell me that George W. Bush has been a flawless president? Cause there are sure a lot of people out there who certainly think so.

Bottom line is we should've waited, and now we should apologize to the world and gather more support.
And War is not the only method. Don't gimme that bullshit about how war is the only option. Have we tried the alternative? no. Then lets try it. If we improved our image, then the world might not be so pissed off at us, and I think the easiest way to do that is a new president.


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