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20th April, 2004 at 14:18:26 -

I know most of you aren't really PC gamers- but have any of you got Far Cry yet? It's a brilliant game, with some of the most beautiful graphics I've ever seen. I recommend it to anyone who has a decent pc.


Willy C


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20th April, 2004 at 15:48:30 -

Yea, Ive tried it. Beatiful ghrapics. The best Ive seen. But I dont have good enough PC to run it, though.

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

20th April, 2004 at 16:32:49 -

excellent game! i too thoroughly recommend it. if only it had the storytelling to match, it would be as good as halflife. i'm on the bit in the treetops with all those fcuking monsters, they're a pain in the arse. i have a radeon 9600, 2.5gig P4, 764 mb ram, and it runs at full spec in 1024*768, still looks ok with older cards as well.


Possibly Insane

21st April, 2004 at 01:03:12 -

I'm actually playing this game at the moment. It rawks hard. Awesome graphics, awesome gameplay and awesome atmosphere. How can ya go wrong!

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21st April, 2004 at 10:57:08 -

Yeah, the story sucks which is a shame (the ending is a bit flat especially, but I won't spoil anything for you )


taco ( Crobasoft )

21st April, 2004 at 19:53:48 -

the graphics aren't that great, a friend of mine has an alienware..when you get close up to objects there all...well..pixely. Plus it's dead friggen hard.


Grazzum - Scorpion E

21st April, 2004 at 20:01:56 -

I played the demo, I like driving the boat. Good stuff



Possibly Insane

22nd April, 2004 at 04:57:13 -

I finished it today. Lots of twists towards the end. Gets pretty tricky too. But good game. Well worth a play!

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24th April, 2004 at 19:32:14 -

Ive recently tried the game ... and I really think its one of the most boring games Ive played in a looong time.

Ok, so the graphics are good ... but jesus the gameplay is dull. The game is proclaimed to have some of the best AI ever in a game ... hmm ... I by some odd reason havent seen it .

If you knew, I would have to kill you...


Possibly Insane

25th April, 2004 at 00:20:01 -

Boring? You must be in the wrong place of the game! It should keep you on the edge of your seat!

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25th April, 2004 at 00:27:46 -

The game isn't dull.... Have you even played it? , you sound like one of those movie reviewers that have never seen the movie but insist that its a bore. The AI, is sharp, and witty. The graphics are unsurpassed, and the gameplay is intense, with spooks and a side of origonal situations that you are pulled into. But the storyline is a bit lame.

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"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

25th April, 2004 at 05:48:25 -

i think you have to tune up the difficulty to get the most out of it. the AI is great though, for example, last night i was crawling around in the bushes taking potshots at the soldiers. whilst a couple stayed there trying to shoot back, one somehow snuck up around me without me noticing and killed me at point blank range as i lay on the ground. i won't be trying that again


25th April, 2004 at 08:15:15 -

Quote: "Ive recently tried the game..."

Maybe I did not make myself clear, but I DID PLAY THE ACTUAL GAME!

I admit playing it at a medium difficulty. However that should normally be an average challenge ... hmm ... graphics is indeed not everything ... this is a good example ... we have done all this before ... running mindless around shooting enemies is fun for like 5 minutes ... the game adds absolutely nothing new in that book. Not even an exciting story. As for the AI ... their performance is pretty bland. If I go into one of their baracks they can hear someone walk on the floor and instantly know its "me the enemy" who is in there without even checking it out. Thats high intelligence for sure ... or should we call it clairvoyance instead? However a grenate thrown at them is rarely seen as a threat. Also if I throw a stone and no one has seen me (do it) ... sometimes they know its me and where I am ... so ... maybe they can see through a 20 meter rock ... I dont know ... maybe its just their clairvoyance team spotting me ... Also, they may say things ... orders and such ... but it has little influence on their teammates ... Too often the enemy seem to freeze. If I have approached an enemy that sees me and I go away and come back a little while later the enemy is often standing like a frozen statue facing away from my last position. An enemy even froze during some animation as I drove past him into the harbor. I jumped out of the vehicle cleared the other enemies ... My objective was to kill all enemy. Well ... the last enemy was "standing" there all frozen almost looked like he was holding his hands on his stomach.

Sorry ... but I expect a bit more from an "excellent AI" as the creaters call it ... Besides the AI (if its there) and the graphics ... the game has nothing ... it totally lacks "soul".

If you knew, I would have to kill you...


Possibly Insane

25th April, 2004 at 10:53:22 -

My question is, what are you comparing this to Mr Maze? I've played many and most of the best first person shooters ever created, and not many come close to the AI or graphics...particularly for the large environments...that are in this game.

Plus it gets more fun later on. More 'freaky'!

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Knudde (Shab)



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25th April, 2004 at 12:30:11 -

I think it's funny that Farcry wasn't actually supposed to be a game, it was all an engine demo until they decided to pack it up and sell it as a game.

Craps, I'm an old man!


25th April, 2004 at 15:21:05 -

Yeah, I've tried the demos. Pretty awesome stuff.
Painkiller is also a bit cool, a classic old-school FPS. Wich means you shoot everything that moves. With large weapons. Right on.
But I'm still waitin' for HF2. That's gonna be TEH AWESOME.

The content above makes absolutely no sense. But I guess you've already figured that out.

Gir, do dat funky dance!


25th April, 2004 at 22:38:43 -

I think I understand what Cybermaze means. Just recently I've noticed that games I play(Strategy mainly) are a load less challenging. Suddenly hardest difficulty is fun, but hardly a challenge.

It gets rather boring when the intense feeling is gone. Maybe I need some new games.



26th April, 2004 at 04:03:02 -

Well, the creators blew it all up claiming the games AI is "oh, so incredible" when in fact its not. At best its on par with other new games.

- In Halo enemies always assume a grenade is a threat and they do try to avoid it.
- In many games the enemy actually have to see you before they know its you (too many games to mention).
- Im for more action and less talking (by AI enemies) ... Farcry enemies talk more than they act and at best its a mess to look at when they "try to attack as a team".
- Add more yourself, Im out of time...

Yes Farcry sports a viewtifull and amazing visible range ... but that alone does not make a game good much less lasting.

If you knew, I would have to kill you...


26th April, 2004 at 05:26:10 -

I play lots of games (well try em) ... Played Farcry a few hours until I was so bored I almost fell asleep.

Its not that its the worst game ever ... its just not by far better than other good games. Id prefer Painkiller any time over Farcry.

If you knew, I would have to kill you...

David Newton (DavidN)



Honored Admin Alumnus
26th April, 2004 at 05:49:55 -

I downloaded the Painkiller demo just to remind myself that my new computer could run it, but I didn't really think much of it... I know that it's trying to be "old school", but I don't really think that it works in a modern-looking game such as that.

Besides, it didn't have red, blue and yellow keycards. - Games, music, living in America

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

26th April, 2004 at 09:54:02 -

farcry multiplayer sucks, jd. assault mode is just boring, the weapons are horribly unbalanced and the deathmatch maps are too big. single player is where farcry is at.


26th April, 2004 at 13:59:15 -

Single player is really what Farcry got so high reviews about ... not multiplayer ...

If you knew, I would have to kill you...


26th April, 2004 at 19:07:41 -

I got the PainKiller demo cough*alpha*cough and it was booooring, in every way, truly dissapointed me there. Farcry exceeds in every way compared to painkiller.

"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.


27th April, 2004 at 03:59:41 -

The reason I find Painkiller more interesting than Farcry:

- Different invironments. Farcry is based on a single island look with every level basicly looking like the last one. Water, beach, forest. Painkiller have large levels each very different to the other.

- Original weapons. Farcry merely have the usual pistols, rifles etc with the manchete being closed thing to a original weapon (its just a knife though). Painkiller sports semi to full original weapons with a very untraditional meelee weapon. The other weapons somehow look similar to known weapons ... but they are somehow a bit different than the rest.

- Enemies do know how to kill in Painkiller. Not all talking but actual action. They do not ask first and kill afterwards like farcry. Sure, the AI is basic (which was obviously the meaning) with few exceptions though. However thats what makes it fun in conjunction with especially the meelee weapon.

- If you like action, Painkiller got it. 150 enemies on a level ... thats a small level!

Both farcry and Painkiller needs more lastability, however Painkiller makes up for this because of the very different levels. Not 2 levels look the same. Also, in Painkiller some enemies must be killed with a specific weapon or in a specific way which adds to the amount of diversity.

If you knew, I would have to kill you...


Possibly Insane

27th April, 2004 at 08:53:04 -

Ok Mr Maze, you've just convinced me to not listen to you as far as anything you say in regards to the great game that is Far Cry goes because of that last post.

This is because the information that you have exposed in your last post tells me you next to shit about the game to begin with, therefore are in no position to critise.
Lemme just point out a few things...
- If you bothered to play the game you'll realised that the levels in Far Cry are varied from indoor to outdoor environments, some of which are more spectacular that others.
- The weapons in Far Cry are based on real weapons. They are also useful in the game. I'm sure the creators would make it possible for the player to pick up a large stick, but what use is a large stick against a solider!!! The weapons in Far Cry are mainly military assault weapons because you are against soliders and commandos and what not. Fight fire with fire, you see!
- You obviously didn't get far enough into the game to experience the 'different' enemies you encounter. And i'm going to leave it there because it's a suprise worth anticipating.
- Quality not quantity mate!

I have not played this Painkiller game, let alone heard arn't really my thing you see...Far Cry being the first commercial game i've played in over 6 months...which means i'm in no position to make comparisons with it to Far Cry, or ramble on about it's problems as you have with a game you have not given a serious chance.

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27th April, 2004 at 14:25:10 -

I have a friend who thinks along the same line as you Cybermaze, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to agree with Muggus, and heres why:

- Yes FarCry is set on a single island theme, but within that concept you have vast tropical islands, beaches, old Japanse ww2 wrecks, forts, a Dam, swamps, secret underground labs, Jurrasic park-style coumpounds, a volcano etc, ect. Day/night missions...

-The ai, yes it does have a few glitches and appears rough around the edges. But it's still far superior to an average fps. The ai work as a team (assuming their commander is still alive), they hide behind trees, try to outflank you, lay down supressive fire when they panic because you have killed their team mates, they use grenades effectively, they call renforcemnets in boats and hellicopters when they know they don't stand a chance. They even chase after you in vehicles (and it's not scripted either). Just when you think you've cleared an area, theres awlays one guard who has managed to use his head and escape, so he can ambush you later on.

- I like the weapons in farcry. As Muggus said, they are based on real world weapons, the game would just look silly with made-up weapons. They have encorporated original ideas within the weapons; for example you can hold your breath while using the sniper to improve you aim, and the sun reflecting off a scoped weapon revealing the position of a sniper.

-I don't think you can really compare FarCry with Painkiller, they are both completely different types of fps. Painkiller is an old skool shooter (I don't find it that special anyway, give me serious sam any day). The thing I like about FarCry's gameplay is that you can do it anyway you like (you often get the choice of several vehicles, or stealth tactics, and there's always different routes you can take). This, combined with the fact that the ai make the experience completely different each time, make for lots of re-playbility.

I have to agree that the story is a pile of crap though



29th April, 2004 at 10:33:58 -

I think it's a shame that the far cry multiplayer is let down by dodgey net-code. Apart from that the mp is great fun


Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
20th May, 2004 at 14:33:39 -

woo i just got FarCry and i think its very good. or at first it was. im on the ship level and its feeling ever so slightly boring. havnt tried multiplayer but im probably gonna stick with Halo's multiplayer mode.

graphics are awesome, i have a Pentium 4 3.06ghz with hyper-threading, 512mb DDR ram, Geforce FX6700 (which is probably why i thought TOR was running fast when i tested it lol) and STILL i can only get very smooth, frameskip free play on 800x600 with medium graphic settings. it goes to 1400x1050 with rare slowdown. need a better gfx card

adios, must play more

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


20th May, 2004 at 15:58:18 -

Jay White: Stop boasting.

My GeForce 2 still runs many games on 1280x1024 at atleast 8fps. Really odd that it still works so well.

Image Edited by the Author.


Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
20th May, 2004 at 18:33:09 -

sorry im just saying that for some magic reason my pc just dosnt run it fast... at all...

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


22nd May, 2004 at 15:20:40 -

Im a bit confused here. You say you own a GeForce FX6700 ... that does not exist so I guess you mean a FX5700. And thats the reason the game can only run in medium settings. The game is simply so demanding when it comes to graphics power, that your FX5700 only comes in as a medium card.

This (again) proves that the power of the graphic card is more important than that of the cpu. I know you cannot run FarCry with a small cpu like a 1ghz (not in high settings anyway)... but a 2 or 2,5 ghz would most likely be able to run high/very high settings if it was fitted with a strong card like a Radeon 9800PRO/XT. The reason is high/very high settings mostly bring graphic card side details that only affect vertex and pixel shader performance (like more shadows, more detailed water etc) while the number of raw polygons only raise a bit and textures generally not being much more detailed compared to medium. High/Very high also applies more filtering (anisotrophic) of textures and antialiasing which is again work only affecting the graphic card.

If you knew, I would have to kill you...

Tina Petersen

22nd May, 2004 at 18:37:01 -

i betaed it!!! so thats about 5 months ago i completed it!

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The Chris Street

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22nd May, 2004 at 18:55:43 -




23rd May, 2004 at 06:40:18 -

my close to minimum spec: a 1.3ghz, 256mb RAM, and a radeon 9600 256mb- runs fine on medium graphics (about 35/40 fps).


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