I need help with making a custom platform engine i have recentley started making a game and realized i had a few glitches so i wanted to know if anyone could help me i have looked at some tutorials which tell you about values and x y positions but i just dont get it it all seems so complicated could someone help me please.
I also have downloaded loads of platform engines but when i try and open them in the games factory it says read error
Do you have mmf? I think there is a custom platform movment extension. I could send you my own custom TGF platform movment, but the codes are mixed up so its hard to edit them. But I recomend learning it yourself by reading more articles here at dc.
okay just think of X and Y positions as "Co-ordinates" because thats what they are and youll find it alot easier to visualize.
The X co-ordinate is the horizontal position (example: -)
The Y co-ordinate is the vertical position (example: |)
Lets say the size of your games "window" is 640x480
well the 640 is the X, and the 480 is the Y.
so if i wanted to set the player at lets say the middle of the window id go:
Set players X position to: 320
Set players Y position to: 240
for movement and stuff i dont know how to put in the way you want but heres an example for a Custom walking movement:
Repeat while "Right" is pressed: set players X to: Player X +1
Repeat while "Left" is pressed: set players X to: Player X -1
Repeat while "Up" is pressed: set players Y to: Player Y+1
Repeat while "Down" is pressed: set players Y to: Player Y-1
This means while the arrow keys are being held down the player will move 1 X or Y position.
hope that kinda helps you out, typed it straight out of my head so might be a bit confusing but hopefully you get what X and Y positions are if not this might also Aid you: