First screenshots of the new Catacombs area. It's still missing all foreground decorations and such, and there are no area-specific new enemies yet either, but overall I like how the background with the fog looks already. The fog looks a bit boring in the screenshots though. It's much better in motion, with some of it parallaxing and some moving slowly and so forth.
The Catacombs area covers tower floors 11-20. The map sections are wider, and thus there are a lot more corridors and horizontal traveling, etc. Also of note are the occasional spike pits, the classic platformer hazard. I'm keeping the spike pit count low though. I still want this to be more RPG than a platformer, and thus hazards should not be a major concern, as they do not rely much on player stats, but rather their button-pressing and timing skills. Still, if not overdone, they can be fun as occasional hazards, and you can be sure that you'll need to jump over more than a few in the Catacombs.
Some of the new enemies in the catacombs area are going to have some special attributes, such as immunity to physical attacks, making spells and magic damage bonuses useful. A larger portion of the enemies is also going to be flying or floating.
Those are the initial plans for Catacombs content for now anyways.