Still going a bit slow with Twisted Tower, but I've reached couple of milestones from the planned list of things for chapter 1.
Namely, I've finished:
-Remaining consumable items (now 16 total)
-Remaining material items (now 25 total)
-Remaining unique Weapons (now 28 total)
-Also recently finished a new derivative enemy type, which actually 'heals' certain other enemies, instead of attacking the player.
Now I'm working on the remaining three spells and some weapon bonuses, after which I'm probably moving on to remaining enemies, armor upgrade scheme finalization and one more shop NPC.
After that there's still more stuff to do though. Big things, but not many. Chapter boss, story events/elements, tutorial/help section and some environment/NPC art. These bigger things have been eluding me for a long while now, mostly because I don't want to work on them until everything else around them is functional and satisfactory.
With all that said, I'd like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays.