Its a blast from the past with Atom Boy 2 created by Edward Ross Greenaway. This is a great first generation click game so be sure to
have a look if you did not try it out yet.
right, then. i will explain what i didnt like about this game. the stages were horribly planned, meaning if you waited over 2 seconds to look around the level to make up a strategy of how you would go about taking out the enemies onscreen you get killed by a big explosion from a rocket launcher colliding with the wall behind you, the author can of course avoid this by moving quickly to a safe point since he made the game and should know how everything works. but the players end up dying unless they have played through this level earlier and then memorized it.
also, enemies shooting while they have been dead for more than one second? rockets and lasers appearing from nowhere, some killing you instantly, and then forcing you to restart the game. no fun.
the screens does look fun and varying but i never got far enough into the game to experience anything else other than the basic platform stages. i can bet a monkey on that this game wouldnt be as popular if it didnt have the nifty graphics. oh well.
heh, yeah ^^;.. i wrote more than i thought. but i wouldnt want to review it since i havent played through the game. i might not do it justice if it improves in the later levels.
WHY on earth did that Yoshi-San get a ribbing for posting files he didn't make. Come on! This is not at all fair- none of you dare whine at Rikus for posting a file he didn't make. It just shows what this community is made of doesn't it.
AND don't post to say whether or not Rikus has asked permission off this guy (although I'd like to ask whether he has!! seen as the link is direct to a site) becase even if he has, no-one asked Yoshi-San if he asked before ribbing him.
Rikus... why did you not add more detail to this??? it gets annoying watching my brother controlling this elvis-esque kid jumping around on gray blocks shooting people... there is an awful lot of gray...
I used to love this game... anyone got bazooka jim, made by the creator of this's brother? I found the website for it earlier today, but the link was broken for the game...:(
I love this game. It was one of the first decent klik games I saw and one of my all time favourites. And yeah I got Bazooka Jim, it's not as good as atom boy2. Reviewing....