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Extreme Malice
Author: Canazza Submitted: 23rd August, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 583

Ever wanted to take out your anger on someone? Ever wanted to be an all powerful malicious God? Ever wanted to let loose a plague of mad cows o'er the land? Well now you can with Extreme Malice.

The fourth game in the malice series (after malice 1,2 and 3) and as a rule, game creators never call it (name) 4, so, in that tradition i give you extreme Malice - the ultimate god sim

Take the controls and let loose a plague upon the unbelievers, smite them down with lightning. Create armageddon by sending down flaming meteorites, burn them to death by setting the ground alight! Suck them all into a void, or, worst of all... let loose the ultimate of ultimate horrors... the manufactured teenage pop-band!


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Posted by matrixkitty 23rd August, 2002

this game is sweet where can i download the others
Posted by Canazza 23rd August, 2002

NOTE: the screenshots are from an early BETA... 2 of the weapons are different (brick wall and campfire)
Posted by Canazza 23rd August, 2002

Malice 1, sadly, is no more... malice 3 was never really released (purley alpha) and malice 2 is availible on an old Angelfire site of mine... just go to and search for "Canaryman Malice", it's a site called YER MAW and i'm surprised it's still up
Posted by slipknot 6 sic 6 24th August, 2002

Nice Game, i'll write a review soon, but the option selection in the menu doen't work for me :(
Posted by Canazza 24th August, 2002

sokay... i forgot to take that out. I'll upload a new version without that option
Posted by Canazza 24th August, 2002

K... it's still at the same address. I uploaded the wrong version XD. the only diff was the option command tho.
Posted by desmondwall16 24th August, 2002

This game has no lastability, its enjoyable until you've seen every disaster once. Cant you make one with some sort of mission mode? you know, kill X amount of unbelievers in X amount of time using only a cow?!
Posted by Canazza 24th August, 2002

It's stress relief. Jon likes to come back to it. i'm sure you will too. And yes. Jon (beta tester) did ask for a mission mode and i may create a new game with that mode. but for now it's pure stress relief.
Posted by Villy 24th August, 2002

more levels :) becost it was no fun when i got 200000 in score
Posted by Canazza 25th August, 2002

was that on freeplay or on timed?
Posted by desmondwall16 25th August, 2002

You can keep the timed game going indefinetly with just the meteor... Its not fun, yes you had a beta tester that said about bugs and a few idea's but did he really play test it?! Psycho's right its just no fun after 20000. Hurry up with that mission mode :)
Posted by AfterStar 25th August, 2002

Extreme non-lastability! This game is fun only for a few minutes.After seeing all the weapons u get bored! I agree with the rest of the people here,that u should some sort of mission MODE,different enviroments and =) more weapons would be welcome =)!
Posted by Forbidden 26th August, 2002

From the screenshots it looks like a ripoff of dougie tilbrook's 'crap'.
Posted by RapidFlash 27th August, 2002

NICE! And Canazza, are you canaryman, cause your email's canary2k
Posted by Jon Robson 29th August, 2002

yeh he is. thats how i knew him heh. Got back from holiday just now and I must play this game, and see what hes changed.
Posted by Jon Robson 29th August, 2002

Was happy you changed brick walls and the campfire and added the chainsaw wielding maniac but it would have been cool if you added those missions. Get back there and re-release it with missions it would make so much difference!! I could supply plenty of mission ideas if you need them.
Posted by Richy Arnold 30th August, 2002

Cool game. and desmond's right a mission mode would be sweet.






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