The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Ballbloke 2

Ballbloke 2
Author: ChrisB Submitted: 24th July, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 394
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Chris Branch on 8/19/2003

Edited By Chris Branch on 7/25/2003

This is an entry for the mini DC compo for Circy's birthday (today, Thursday 24th). Ballbloke is a lovely chap who in a previous, human form, was a skydiver. The thing is, when you fall from a plane into a ball-making machine, it sorta changes you a bit. So now he's a ball.

The second incarnation of the Ballbloke series features said ball travelling through his pixellated world, now filled with evil beings. He faces almost certain death... until you play the game and find out where he goes.

There are 5 levels (1 'boss' level in a Donkey Kong-style environment) and that's it, really. Amuse yourself for 15 minutes. It took about 5 hours to make everything, including heavy modification of a custom movement I had made previously. I would've made more levels but I had no time to do it (I had Sunday, last night and this morning to do it - I was working/at school the rest of the time).

Edit: The download has been changed, you will be prompted to extract the game to a location now. Specify anywhere convenient (e.g. a Games folder). The required DLL is now included, so you shouldn't have any problems running the game.

Edit 2: Updated download link, and slight bugfixes made to game.

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 (573kb )

Posted by Assault Andy 25th July, 2003

I've tried serveral times, but once I download it, I can't open the install. Nothing happens, no error. -Andy
Posted by ChrisB 25th July, 2003

That's strange Andy, I used WinRAR to compress the game and it should extract to a temporary folder and run the game from there... I'll change the download file so that it actually extracts - that way there shouldn't be any problems. "Looks like a major rip off of Nokia Bounce!!!" The first Ballbloke game was made in 2001.
Posted by ChrisB 25th July, 2003

Download updated.
Posted by matrixkitty 25th July, 2003

ballicious....wait a minute....forget that phrase...Great game but for the sake of my mental insanity please put a continue system(password or save) that is all. captain squirrel away!
Posted by Joeri Pisart (Bloody Jojo) 26th July, 2003

Really kewl!!! Doesn't look terrific, but is kewL!
Posted by TH333 26th July, 2003

I'm downloading..... Looks Fun!
Posted by TH333 26th July, 2003

Hey, can't help but notice that it's extremely similar to Sonic The Hedgehog- Its even got a level that has music from Sonic The Hedgehog 2!
Posted by ChrisB 26th July, 2003

Ahh, he found me out! Guess that's what happens when you're pressed for time :P
Posted by rage 26th July, 2003

it would be better if it was ziped with all files instead of an installer :)
Posted by Cazra 28th July, 2003

How do u get past the spikes in level 3, after you pass the massacre of cannon people?
Posted by Cazra 28th July, 2003

those spikes are cheap. 1 hit ur dead
Posted by ChrisB 28th July, 2003

It's all in the timing! You'll notice that all of the spikes go down after about 5 seconds... you run across just as they all go down.
Posted by Evil Monkey 5th August, 2003

Fun game. Only problem, it needs save data!
Posted by ChrisB 9th August, 2003

Now a GOTW, with 28.57% customer satisfaction o_O
Posted by Weston L 10th August, 2003

Great game. It needs a password or save feature, but still, thumbs up!
Posted by Weston L 10th August, 2003

It is now 37.50% :)
Posted by ChrisB 16th August, 2003

Hehe! Well, you voted for it, I actually voted for Spider Shooter :P
Posted by ChrisB 7th October, 2003

BTW. I made the engine, it was based on an old platform engine that you can download from my website.
Posted by -_darkman_- 15th October, 2003

how did this get GOTW? its not bad but... it could be better
Posted by ChrisB 15th October, 2003

I have no idea myself :P
Posted by sup3rsnail 19th October, 2003

It's sexy. and makes my pants sticky. WHY ARE MY PANTS FEELING STICKY?!?!?!?!?!?
Posted by Va1entine 20th December, 2003

ermm! what can i say about ballbloke! well let me start by saying what a funny name!!!! liked the way you used sonic music i think it really works!!! i like the simple look too and the story lines cool, sadly i think your level design lets you down big time.. so i'm gonna have to give you a thumbs down sorry!!! hope you learn from your mastakes in ballbloke 3!!!






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