The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Turbo Hop

Turbo Hop
Author: pr0 Submitted: 14th December, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 255

Edited By pr0 on 3/17/2004

A simple cheap game made in about 2 hours. Try and stay in the air the longest and see how many points you can get before the end! Wind resistance screws you up making it challenging. This game is a great time waster...

Lasts about 50 seconds. Open source like all my games.

Review This Download (653kb )

Posted by Teapot 16th December, 2003

after a while my character was just floating at the same Y point
Posted by Va1entine 16th December, 2003

yep, 10 minites well spent makeing that peace of crap! lol, shame i only spent 3 before i got board! you should had a score board!!!
Posted by 17th December, 2003

at least this one worked the first time. But again, why on the frontpage?
Posted by Silas B 17th December, 2003

This should have been called the whack your nuts on a balloon game. Hey, that's what it looks like!
Posted by M Willich 18th December, 2003

A highscore table would have tricked me into playing longer. This would work well as a mini-game inside a larger project. I wish I could do this in 2 hrs. I think I spent more time watching your avitar than playing this game, it's a beauty...
Posted by Imp of Hazard Games 20th December, 2003

Does it submit the hiscore?





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