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Highway Crossing Frog
Author: RyGuyX Submitted: 16th December, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 245

Edited By RyGuyX on 10/1/2004

Criticize this one all you want because it was made in 45 minutes.

10 minutes on the graphics.
25 minutes on the first level.
5 minutes on the other 7 levels.
5 minutes on title screens.

Guide the frog with 3 amazing frames of animation across the 8-lane highway through 8 increasingly more challenging levels of death-defying frog-crossing! Based on a small part of the movie "The Plastix" by Jay White.

If you want to and have the time you should really watch this movie, even though it isn't a game, I found it hilarious. - 17,236 kb. The low-quality version doesn't do it justice - 1,485 kb.

Don't take this seriously, and remember: what can YOU do in 45 minutes?

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 (177kb )

Posted by Blargh 16th December, 2003

i would download it the link worked!
Posted by RyGuyX 16th December, 2003

the link works fine for me; if you have any trouble cuz of TDC try copy and pasting the link in to your adress bar
Posted by Tom 16th December, 2003

Link works fine for me too. :D The name reminds me of the MTV movie awards for the Matrix reloaded.
Posted by Joeri Pisart (Bloody Jojo) 16th December, 2003

Funny game!
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th December, 2003

I MADE THE VIDEO! yey! only took 2 days to film it too. pity u cant post video's here to be reviewed
Posted by RyGuyX 16th December, 2003

I was wondering where he got all the sounds from and had been meaning to ask him. But there is nice lego video to go along with it, anyway.
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th December, 2003

its all explained at the end of the video, or at least it should be. our project was to get a sound clip from TV/DVD or wherever, get permission (obviously), then add your own video to it! so if i had permission then i borrowed instead of stealing. oh its not bollox either, im quite the pro with video directing and editing if you dont mind :) for videos i go under the name Studio Nth. its the name for me and my sister
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th December, 2003

its all explained at the end of the video, or at least it should be. our project was to get a sound clip from TV/DVD or wherever, get permission (obviously), then add your own video to it! so if i had permission then i borrowed instead of stealing. oh its not bollox either, im quite the pro with video directing and editing if you dont mind :) for videos i go under the name Studio Nth. its the name for me and my sister so there! :P
Posted by Karnage [Ragnarok Games] 16th December, 2003

lol ryan. This REALLY is made to suck. I didn't have to hit the f@$#%&@ right,left, or down arrow keys once when I beat it! Also, nice touches without music and crap.
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th December, 2003

id say for the time it took to make; congrats! 45 minutes? i could never make a game in that time! a few days ago i spent an hour trying to fix some bug in Chiken! kudos
Posted by danjo 16th December, 2003

what a waste of 45 minutes!
Posted by RyGuyX 16th December, 2003

much more time has been wasted on much less meaningful things.
Posted by istvan 16th December, 2003

Fun game, ill like it alot better than that other frogger game released earlier on in the year. Who cares if its cheap and quick, its bloody fun
Posted by AfterStar 17th December, 2003

How did this got on the front page? Anyway nice little lego movie ;) ! Make some more!
Posted by Dr. James MD 17th December, 2003

i got another video called Monkies of War but its more of an arty film, alas that needs to be at high quility to be able to see whats going on and its a pain to upload a 50mb on a 56k modem
Posted by Cazra 17th December, 2003

Based on a movie called "Plastix"? Looks more like its based on Frogger.
Posted by Dr. James MD 17th December, 2003

*ahem* utter bollox? 'scuse me but its been entered into a national video awards competition and 3 regional ones, im only 17! people who get into them are about 40 and work in huge studio teams. so thank you muchly :)
Posted by Jason Orme 17th December, 2003

Nice title, taken from the MTV Video Music Awards Matrix Reloaded Skit I beileve.
Posted by Ashman 18th December, 2003

*sigh* Damn neighbourhood kids and their pranks!
Posted by eyeangle 18th December, 2003

needs a high-scores!!!
Posted by Dr. James MD 18th December, 2003

:O ashman has multiple personalities! (yes i do know its a different person heh)
Posted by Muffin Batel [neonair games] 18th December, 2003

this game sucks but its good for 45 min i tihnk you only posted this game was to get DC points-am i right?
Posted by RyGuyX 18th December, 2003

nope; I posted it to see what people would think for a 45-minute-made game; I don't even know how the "DC points" work. Instead of getting what most people thought about the game, people have been bitching about the video that I got the idea from, hearing the skit done through that. So much so that I'd delete this whole damn game if it wouldn't screw up the link on the front page and nullify something Ashman wrote. So just drop the subject of the video (plz?).
Posted by Dr. James MD 18th December, 2003

i respect you Ryguy so its the end of the video but let me just mention that a thousand people love it and 1 person hates it hehe :) i dont know why im asking this right here and now but whens Deserted out?
Posted by RyGuyX 18th December, 2003

You know it'll be out by January 10th... or 20th (?) - All I have left to do is the equipping menu, store menu, secret menu, map menu, and titlescreen... just menus... god i hate menus.
Posted by danjo 18th December, 2003

just spend a few minutes on them then :P
Posted by Yuhkaz 18th December, 2003

Phizzy shut the heck up! OMFG! Don't you realise The Plastix is a lego version of the MTV Movie Awards matrix thing! Highway crossing frog is made from it, a parody you could say! Stop calling Jay a theiving bastard!
Posted by Dr. James MD 19th December, 2003

^^ such a happy person! Personally i believe if he didn't see the Plastix then he wouldnt have made his game. Am I right Ryguyx?
Posted by Muffin Batel [neonair games] 19th December, 2003

ok, i see why you posted this... its ok- not great
Posted by RyGuyX 19th December, 2003

yes, jay, that's right. I have never seen the MTV movie awards because TO ME (let me emphasize that part) 1. MTV is gay 2. awards shows are gay
Posted by Dr. James MD 19th December, 2003

MTV is really trying to stereotypicalize teens into being unfaithful brainless and disrespectful morons. oh my god i saw the Edinbrough (spelling is likely wrong) Music awards or whatever it was called, the first 10 minutes made me want to melt all 'musicians' (the crap ones) and make a pleasant statue of Billy Connoly... alas i share that dream alone
Posted by AfterStar 20th December, 2003

So Jay white......! Did you did the entire video by yourself without ANY help? *If he can do that now(17years old) imagine what he could do when he becomes a pro!Cool! ;) ....oh and i want to see that "Monkeys War" video you made!I got DSL so 50mb wouldn't be a problem!
Posted by Airflow 20th December, 2003

lol. I think this game is goin to make me cry. Vomit smells bad anyway.
Posted by Dr. James MD 20th December, 2003

cheers AfterStar! i did the video all by myself, but all the backgrounds were made by my sister (only 11 years old!). the easiest bits are the talkin parts, only took me a day to do the arci-neo scene. once i get broadband ill upload my 'monkies of war' vid. there is a flash version on my site but its not brill. stupid rural living... *snarl!*
Posted by Dr. James MD 20th December, 2003

Whats so good about it? Well my Tutor did animation at uni, he is super pro at this kind of stuff, and when i told him it only took me 2 days he basically said i lied and ripped this from the internet or some studio's work. So next day i handed him my raw footage on CD and he said i have true skills! Not bad for a first ever animation? its in multiple competitions (one has a £5000 1st place award) and has just secured me a place in a university. Thats why its so good matey XD
Posted by RyGuyX 23rd December, 2003

heheheh, now be a good little boy and put on your sailor outfit; it's so cute. Let's show them your baby pictures now.
Posted by Dr. James MD 27th December, 2003

i dont get that? sailor?
Posted by Karnage [Ragnarok Games] 31st December, 2003

Shut the fuck up, phizzy! Why the fuck do you keep saying the same thing over and over, you whiny little baby? Everyone's ignoring you. Why're you so upset, you fucking toddler? Did your straw break? Did you miss nap time? And nice job jay--this guy's just gong out of his way to annoyyou. Ignore his comments--everyone else'll take care of him.
Posted by Jon Chambers 3rd January, 2004

Jay white, you shoudn't rip off a rip off, it just makes things look crap. If you can do that technique on an action scene, I'll be impressed. A car chase, hand to hand combat, you need to be the focus of the clip. All you did was change the appearance of the people delivering the lines. So what? That doesn't make it funnier!
Posted by Dr. James MD 15th January, 2004

lol jeez man relax! i just followed what i was told to do at college. it wasnt actually the animating which im proud of, but the editing. the transition from the TVs for example is a stroke of genius especially when its my first ever time on Adobe Premier without any tutorials or help :)





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